Carlisle All Ford Nat's! Jun 4-6, 2010 | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Carlisle All Ford Nat's! Jun 4-6, 2010

I JUST found the link to this in Spas's sig. Is it too late to join the party? I would plan on making it out there friday afternoon/eve.

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Never to late to join in..

BTW, for those going, I have a set of tires on the back of the '66 that juuuusst about need to be replaced. They'll definitely be shot after Carlisle......hehehehehehehehehe!!!


Annnddd...for those of you that haven't been's how our Mach club has fun at Carlisle :)





EE HEE HEE HEE EEEEEE :D There is nothing... NOTHING.. like hearing 2 dozen or so Mach's start up in the morning! One of my favorite parts of Carlisle, actually :bounce:

Bats, come on out! The more the merrier :D

Annnddd...for those of you that haven't been's how our Mach club has fun at Carlisle :)

DAMIT! thanks draper! now i NEED to do a v8 in evil now, that and finish black sunshine (which is a 81 429 big block capri).

a few people told me to find you when i get there.....looks like it will be easy......find the skid marks, and tire smoke. :D

i miss my mustangs more then ever now! thank you sir!!! I've had 5 and really want another but not till i get the exploder done! wait.... I take that back, cause they're never done!

Totaly using my graduation money to pay for this and get Eleanor in tip top shape! Just received my confirmation email. :D I'd def need to crash at the hotel with you guys. How do I make sure I don't miss you guys?

DAMIT! thanks draper! now i NEED to do a v8 in evil now, that and finish black sunshine (which is a 81 429 big block capri).

a few people told me to find you when i get there.....looks like it will be easy......find the skid marks, and tire smoke. :D

I'm not hard to find in the showfield. Find the Mach 1 tent and I'll most likely be there. the hotel in the pool with a beer in hand :D

Warmed up the field for you guys! Hope AFN has as good a Saturday as what we had yesterday.


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My truck isn't nothing to show off so I'll be parked outside somewhere :)

Neither is mine but that's not stopping me from running it through the car wash, slopping some wax on the day before and showing up anyways!

Neither is mine but that's not stopping me from running it through the car wash, slopping some wax on the day before and showing up anyways!

I'm very sure evils going to need more then that when i get there.
any helpers? :D

I'm very sure evils going to need more then that when i get there.
any helpers? :D

As long as I'm not too drunk to see straight on Friday night, I'll help :) No guarantees though, lol.

the booze will make the swirl marks look better

i will more then likely be in the showfeild on friday. probably making the drive out either thursday night or friday morning.
im off, might as well

the booze will make the swirl marks look better

i will more then likely be in the showfeild on friday. probably making the drive out either thursday night or friday morning.
im off, might as well

i'm planning on getting there now sometime wed, thurs. at the latest. i want at least a day so i can get evil cleaned, and ready for friday. pm me your cell number, and i will text you when i get there.

One more week..!! :bounce:

So for Friday evening in the party room, we have:

(Tim has his own room)

showing up at the AFN's:
DTL 2k2 Sport?

And for Rausch:

Correct me if I missed anyone!!

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Looks like I'm not wheeling again this year. Money is tighter then ever. I will be on the rocks Saturday afternoon then down with you guys like last year.
