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Completed Project Brandon's mild 4.0 OHV build

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So, as of 5 hours ago Ronin8002, or James' built OHV block became mine; and with the stea.. I mean deal I got and all the extra goodies he threw in, he seemed a little too happy to get rid of this thing :shifty_ey... lol! But WOW this thing is in good shape! As a christmas gift from my parents, I've been given the opportunity to really dig into an engine like I've always wanted to do. I've watched and assisted a couple chevy 350 builds over the past few months but have never done anything by myself.. so here goes nothin!

The Meat (James' Block):
- 1995 block bored .030 over and torque honed
- Keith Black Hypereutectic 1995 Style Pistons (staying around 9:1)
- Total Seal piston rings
- Clevite bearings
- Stock Water pump/timing cover (awesome shape!)
- Stock Fuel Rail
- SOHC Oil pump/pan - to strengthen up the bottom end
-- Possible port/polish on the lower intake, we'll see when I get there

The Goodies:
- Comp Cams 49-422-8 Cam
- Comp Cams 988-12 dual valve springs
- 95tm heads with minor porting/polishing

(on the way, supposedly 11/28/10)
- SI sev2027 and sev2028 valves
- Delta Cam rockers
and pushrods will come later down the road when properly measured

I'm going to keep a diary as things progress on the motor, once I get all the parts in it really should start coming together quickly. I'm down for any type of constructive criticism you have, if you don't like the way I'm doing something PLEASE let me know, as this will be my true first solo go at an engine! JD4242 has really given me a lot of direction when it comes to the 4.0, by reading through his posts in the forums I'm still baffled by the amount of knowledge he has of these things. So, many thanks to you JD!

First order of business, I need help tracking down a full gasket kit, reasonably priced as the budget is dwindling down, I hear an ebay seller has them for around $130??, as well as new head stud/bolts. I'm not feeling ARP's $400 set of head bolts/studs. Does anyone have any suggestions or leads on either?

Thanks for lookin! Here's a couple of teaser pics! Pics of the motor when I get it all unpackaged and on a stand.



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I didn't see it (I might be going blind), but did you toss on a mechanical oil pressure gauge yet to verify what it is doing?


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No, sure haven't. I was hoping this were solid signs of an oil pressure sending unit failing, or and electrical problem that someone has experienced before that could be definitively explained.

I can hook one up I suppose, but I was really hoping to keep any aux. gauges out of the interior. I like and have been using the 'Factory' look. I can verify that the engine IS getting oil properly though, as I've gone under the valve covers 4 times since the motor has been built, each time I was impressed with the amount of oil sitting on the heads.

edit -- I'm not sure I can unscrew the sending unit off the block actually to put a new one in.. the motor mount is in the way - I'll provide a picture in a bit to show you what I'm talking about.

Mark - What do you suggest my first move be? I've already checked/cleaned the harness' grounds. Checked the wiring harness for any defects.. I'm stumped.

Yea put a real gauge on it and see what its doing,i would say its bad or you have a bad ground on the motor somewhere,you pull all those and clean then.

Do I have to remove the sending unit to install an actual mechanical gauge?

Sorry for the noobness, I actually don't know how aftermarket, "real", oil gauges are hooked up.

Time to use the search button!!!

Yep unless you put a T in so your stocker will still work


Mine is not going to come out unless I pull the motor mount off.. this sucks. :( :( :(

What no way!!i wanna see a pic.spin it the take the unit off the main piece then take that out

It may be different, post a pic

This is my setup for an electric oil pressure gauge...

In the lower right corner you will see a gold can looking piece with is my Autometer sending unit...The piping attaches to the pressure outlet in the block and the original sending unit is in the end of the fitting on the far right side...The original gauge sending unit is kinda hidden by the compressor but it is there...And this way I can know what the oil pressure is at all times in my new engine...


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I went up under it tonight when I got home.. looks like it is two-pieces, that's my fault. When I swapped it over I guess I thought it was all one unit.

I think I'm going to first try and replace the Sending Unit - The very end of the assembly with the electrical post on it, for lack of better terms, I'm going to call that the sending unit... To see if that fixes my problem. In the mean time I guess I ought to go ahead and get a real oil pressure gauge and I'll hook it up in line with the stock unit, kinda like you did Ranger..

Can any of you guys that have the additional oil gauge recommend me one? Or is it kinda a fool-proof setup where you can pick up a cheap one at Advance Auto.. etc.

I went up under it tonight when I got home.. looks like it is two-pieces, that's my fault. When I swapped it over I guess I thought it was all one unit.

I think I'm going to first try and replace the Sending Unit - The very end of the assembly with the electrical post on it, for lack of better terms, I'm going to call that the sending unit... To see if that fixes my problem. In the mean time I guess I ought to go ahead and get a real oil pressure gauge and I'll hook it up in line with the stock unit, kinda like you did Ranger..

Can any of you guys that have the additional oil gauge recommend me one? Or is it kinda a fool-proof setup where you can pick up a cheap one at Advance Auto.. etc.

Personally, I use the factory electric gauge (modified by shorting the 20 ohm resister) and use a mid 70's Ford oil pressure sending unit. But, I do have a cheap mechanical gauge($20) I just screw in when things aren't making sense and I run the plastic line out the fender and zip tie it to a windshield wiper. I don't drive far like that, thats just for testing when the electric gauge isn't making sense.


OKAY, dropped it of at my friend's shop, he said everything checks out, The oil pressure was at 68psi @ 2000rpm. I think that's a little higher than normal? But should not be an issue.. I'm going to replace the sending unit and see if that does the trick.

In the mean time, I ran some fuel injector cleaner and seafoamed the engine for the first time, she ran real well until I added in some Exonn 87 octane, then it ran like this;

Sounds like a vacuum leak, though I have none. It's funny the computer didn't rev up the engine or even try to correct the idle. Regardless, It's idling at 500-600 RPM. It SOUNDS like it's knocking, but that was the camera messing up the sound of the lope. I don't hear any spark knock from under the hood..

I'm definitely thinking a bad tank of gas.


Figured out the whacky gauge situation woo! Turns out is was a blockage in the tube extension assembly thingy that the sending unit screws on to. I just took the air hose and blew it out, whatever it was that was causing the blockage looked like gelled over diesel fuel. My oil is still golden, but I might definitely change it and the filter here soon, especially after seeing that.

New 02 sensors will be here this weekend, then it's time for James Henson to tune it!! I'll be using the SCT X2, hopefully he'll get the same results as the X3.

I'm not sure if this is a problem or not, but when I get above 4500rpm, I can actually hear, what I can only assume is the cam, a whining sound, almost exactly like a supercharger. Sounds kinda B-A! hahah

Yea i should have said that.its a very common problem! !

i know, we're so helpful. you never wouldve figured that out. :D

hell, my ticking i had with the old crap. at certain rpms down the road it resembled a diesel engine at idle. (i love diesel engines)

speaking of 4500rpm, jd, i heard everytime you stopped and took off all the way through the neigbhorhood and down the road last night lol
needs more loud. want my glasspack? when i get 2.5" you can have it for your 2.25" pipes :p

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Hell no im searching 2.5 mandle bent pipes righ5 now
