3-1-08 Tahuya Aftermath | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3-1-08 Tahuya Aftermath

He had 6, yes six, for the Romans thats VI.

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Hahaha.... poor Ryan... :D

Well I solved my front end vibration problem. I had an offset u-joint on the transfer case side of the front driveshaft to provide a little more clearance. As it turns out (pun intended) it creates a wobble that turns into a vibration. It's probably always been there, but with the addition of the hard mount heim joints to the radius arms vice the old rubber bushings and the roll cage tied into the frame, the vibrations are much more noticeable. I swaped back out to a standard u-joint and carefully ground 1/8th of an inch from the yokes on the t-case and the driveshaft to make up for the 1/4" difference in the offset u-joint. Took it on a test drive and the vibration was 99% gone. I blame the last 1% on the compound angle of my driveshaft and both angles not being the same, but I was able to do max speed in 4-lo with no vibration and in 4-hi it didn't become noticeable until about 50 mph. Even then it minimal and you wouldn't even notice it if you didn't know what you were feeling for.

However, while I was down there, I notice my tie-rod was bent :( So I ordered an upgrade :thumbsup: Bullet Proof Steering I originally had the trail proof, but the new tie rod will be the rock proof tubing and I'll retain my trail proof drag link and attatching hardware. I have been meaning to do this for a since my tie rod had a very slight and hardly noticable bend in it, but now that it's bent real good, the time has come:D

lol well were kinda thinking food poisining because the puke is not that waterie lol yeah you guys should have camped

what site do you all recommend for uploading video so everyone can download it?

Donation delivered

Thank you guys and gals!:thumbsup:

I'll send the receipt to Rick for his taxes.


  • Red Cross receipt.jpg
    Red Cross receipt.jpg
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Do u know what the sad part about this is, I was at the top of the speilman camping area when u guys where out there, i think, do u remember any really loud kids and people walking around for alchol


Ahh, just a little ding. Should pound right out:confused: Right!!!;)

Sorry to hear you broke so early, but it still looks like a good time was had by all:thumbsup:

Ok, so I know I'm a bit late... but here are some of my pics. I really took a lot less then I thought.








That has to be the most entertaining story I've heard I wish I would have been able to go.

Would a stock '99 Explorer make it through this trail OK?

My Stock `93 did. They say the Stock 1st Gen's are a little more capable than the later ones..but the Explorers (no matter WHAT year) don't get the credit they deeserve on and off road....



Would a stock '99 Explorer make it through this trail OK?

You might have some "fun" in the south loop section, but you should be fine in a stock rig.

You might have some "fun" in the south loop section, but you should be fine in a stock rig.

Does that mean the North loop is easier?
