CHIEF Is Almost a 302!!!!!! 91 XLT SAS In the process of 302 and T-5 Swap!! | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CHIEF Is Almost a 302!!!!!! 91 XLT SAS In the process of 302 and T-5 Swap!!

Hello Everyone!
It's Chief here, Aka: Tim. I started with this pitifull excuse of a motor called a V6 and even more of a dissapointment This POS A4LD tranny! This will all be a nightmare that ended real soon:D

last shot of v6.jpg

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Here is a closer look behind the headlight and in front of the power distribution box.


  • close-up near cyliniod.jpg
    close-up near cyliniod.jpg
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here is a broad shot of the Pass. side fenderwell


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    wiring near pass fender.jpg
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here is a shot of the driver side. you can see the coil mount I made in front of the cruise control box. The wiring in the back had not been completed yet but you can see that it is done in the "Firewall shot"


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    coil mount.jpg
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One more thing that I did recently was, I changed my mind on the battery mount. If you flip back you can see the Flamed mount I bought for the Optima. Well, My mother bought it off of me for her Drag boat and I bought another one identical except it has checkered flags instead. I like this one better.


  • checkered flag optima mount.jpg
    checkered flag optima mount.jpg
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Awsome job on the wiring! There is no way I could ever get it that neat. The real test is if it works or not ;) I can't wait to see it finished!!

Originally posted by Chief34
Well, My mother bought it off of me for her Drag boat

Do you need a brother? I'm willing to move :D

Ok I remembered Something I forgot to touch on. I got an alternator. The key with this is you want a "3G" style alternator which is an internal fan. The explorer came with a "3G" style alternator but it wont bolt up to the mustang engine. So what I did was I got a high amp (200 amp) for a 94-95 mustang. It has the same mounting locations so it will bolt right up but it is a "3G" alternator and it will plug right up to my explorer style plug on the wiring harness. i'll get pics as soon as I recieve it in the mail. Since I got such a high amp alternator I need to upgrade the power source wire, that goes from the alternator over to the cyliniod, to a 4 gauge wire.
... I cant wait to see it finished either! Almost there!

Sure is looking awesome! :chug:

that thing looks amazing. I am doing a built carbed 302 in mine once the build is done. Looking for around 400whp

Spectacular thread.
Very informative.
Make sure to do an analysis of costs, contacts, and manufactures.
I have a 89 5.0 ready to be stroked and this is a great tool in getting that project off the ground.

Originally posted by Chief34
Since I got such a high amp alternator I need to upgrade the power source wire, that goes from the alternator over to the cyliniod, to a 4 gauge wire.

I got a 200amp alt in my sploder, and then an optima, and for such i current, I'm running 1/0 gauge cable to and from my alternator... Fer 200 amps I'd use minimum 2ga if not 1/0. The cables are short, so it's not that expensive to run good and big wire.

Wow man.....looks absolutely amazing!!

Thanks everyone! I am glad this is helping others.


I was told to use a 4 gauge and that would be sufficient, but your right it wouldnt hurt to go bigger. I just might do that. Thanks for the info.

Yeah, I mean Autozone usually carries all sizes, definately upgrading from 4ga to 2ga is almost a no brainer b/c the cost is so little. Assuming you've got the battery on the passenger side, the lengths of cable are very cheap. Also it'll help if ya pick up a winch in the future, when electricity is at a premium! I can't wait to see what happens to that d30 front end with that v-8 :D

I just thought about it and I think you are talking about the battery cables. Am I right? Battery cables are already a 1Ga I believe arent they? It doesent matter though because I do have to get a new battery cable anyway because my battery is on the driver side now. Anyway, The only wire that needs upgraded to a larger one is the short one that goes from the alt. to the cyliniod. That is the power source. That is the one that I was refering to earlier.

:rolleyes: When it breaks I will either Use a dana 60, Portals, or unimog axles. One project at a time;)

Actually, after thinkin of it, I dunno how yer alternator is, but mine actually has a + and a - post on it, which i then match the wires to the battery to flow juice from the alt to the bat. I only use one of the 2 factory plugs in the alternator. I wish I had a digi cam to get pictures... :eek:

UNIMOG axels :D :D :D

Yeah, that is different. Mine is a "3G". It connects using the same connections as the stock explorer alt.

this is unreal, i just found this site, never have i ever seen anyone go to this extent to show there build. my hats off to you chief. mark

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HPP Wiring

Brett/High Plains Performance, also did the wiring on my v8 conversion. Your welcome to check out my harness install at
Its been in my v8 conversion for over a year. No problems, works great.

High Plains Performance can also help out with AODe/4r70w and Baumann controller wiring for you automatic guys.

Excellent job on both the documentation and the conversion.
