Chop, Cut, Rebuild: DB_1's Ranger...again | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Chop, Cut, Rebuild: DB_1's Ranger...again

Ok kiddies, time for my bi-annual rebuild thread:p:
This time I won't be messing with the suspension...well, maybe the coilovers.
I may need new coils so I don't have so much uptravel but I'll deal with that much later.

Since i'm barely working progress will be slow since I'll need a few parts and whatnot to get my rig functional again. Main things I need to purchase are new leaf springs. They are totally shot and to have them rebuilt I can buy a new set of Toy springs which i'm gonna try out.

In the mean time, i've been removing stuff that either is damaged and won't be used again or just removing to get it out of the way while I work on stuff.

Here's my list so far:

Front bumper tubework: This will get reworked to accommodate the winch.
Front fenders: Thrashed beyond repair
Rocksliders: Been wanting to build new ones anyways so good as time as any to cut them off.
Rocker panels: Want to get the sliders up higher so they had to go.
Bed: Also trashed beyond repair, tubework will go in it's place
Gutted supercab area: Needed to remove for roof repair but may leave it that way and spray it with undercoating.

That's what i've done so far to the rig and I got my winch mounted today as well. I bought this winch early last summer before the roll and it's a SuperWinch Rock 9.5 short drum with synthetic rope.
I was pondering how i'd fit the grill back on since it sits behind it but i'd still need to access the freespool lever. My plan is to have it on hinges so I can flip it up, i'll just need a way to lock it in place at the bottom...maybe with Dzus fastners.

So on with the pics, i'll start with some before pics of the roof caved in and then with some of the roof almost where I want it. Still needs work obviously.
Other pics show the rockers cut and some general shots of the truck in its current condition. Last set of shots is of the winch install and grill mock up.

















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The premiums certainly feel like they have more engagement...harder and further to turn. The standards have a "cheap" feel when you turn the dials.

As far as I know Warn still has the limited lifetime warranty. I may warranty it sooner or later but I don't have the receipt it it's necessary.

Napa will swap them out if you have a receipt. I have had decent luck with the premiums, but I have swapped a few out at napa.

Unfortunately I don't have the receipt for the premiums but I'll still try and warranty them somewhere or call Warn and see what they say.

The standard set of hubs I got are brand new with a receipt from an inactive member. He sent them to me after I gave him my spare Superwinch hub to replace his broken hub out at Truckhaven. I told him I don't care what brand hub you send me as long as I have a spare but he ended up sending me a new pair:thumbsup:

Haven't been on the forums much lately so nothing new to report on the ranger. I Would like to take care of a steering box issue though. There's around a 1/4 inch of play in either direction on the steering shaft going into the box. Rebuild in order? Never done it before so that should be interesting.

In other news the Ranger needed to get smogged this month but I had a rough idle problem but no trouble code. Checked all the plugs and sure enough the one closest to the firewall on the pass side (hardest one to get to of course) was completely missing the electrode. Replaced all plugs for good measure and checked the wires and all is good. Makes me wonder if the coil pack is bad...looks like a test is in order.

As for the smog test itself, passed with flying colors:


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Some of you noticed I had the Ranger for sale briefly in my sig. Was going to make a for sale thread then decided to pull it altogether...for now. Been fixing some small things here and there and enjoying driving it again.
Took it to KOH so it was nice to have it and tool around the desert.

Got some flush mount LEDS for back up lights so I could actually see when I back going to be blinding whoever is behind me. Had to make a whole new panel since I screwed up cutting the holes on the old biggie.

Also decorated my grill with 300 spikes and that's with skipping every other row. It would take 600+ to do every row:eek: The grill started out light as a feather, now it's got some weight to it.


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Don't sell it. Don't think about selling it. You have way too much money and time invested. Its your gift to you. Its your stress reliever. That's how I feel about my rig.

Like the spikes. I always liked little details.

Don't sell it. Don't think about selling it. You have way too much money and time invested. Its your gift to you. Its your stress reliever. That's how I feel about my rig.

Like the spikes. I always liked little details.

I may or may not sell mood is always changing. I have differerent ideas on which direction I want to go like build a tube chassis and swap the drivetrain over. Then again having a street legal off roader is kinda nice...each scenario has its pros and cons.

I think your rig is a great wheeler. You should just concentrate on the details until you decide to keep it.

We should go back to that group rig idea but make it a tube buggy:D

How do you like the rear LED's? That's my next lighting purchase

We should go back to that group rig idea but make it a tube buggy:D

How do you like the rear LED's? That's my next lighting purchase

I just installed and tested them last night and they are super bright but I think I'm going to like them. I think I paid 67 bucks a pair on amazon, I got the flood pattern but for whatever reason cost more than the spot pattern.

No worries Brian;)

Just saw it on 15 minutes of fame. Notice the engine pic,Explorer Forum gets a shameless plug:D

Thanks Brian:thumbsup:

Congrats Dave! Glad it finally made it in!

(and I saw your edit, beat you to posting the link by 2 minutes :D )

Yup...we must've be typing at the same time lol. Yeah, it's pretty cool to see the article up. I thought it wasn't going to make the cut and forgot about it. That interior pic is funny...looks like my truck was buried.

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Very cool Dave, congratulations. All the work you have out into that truck over the years, you deserve it.
