Joe Dirt's Wedgie | Page 37 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Joe Dirt's Wedgie

Yeah, it sounded funny worded that way. :D Yes, I let my 6 year old name the car. When I mentioned that it was Wedgewood Blue, the name was blurted out in 5 seconds.

She's Deep Wedgewood Blue with a Dark Graphite leather interior.
105,000 miles, a V8 AWD of course, and sporting leather chaps inside. :D

So, the work starts- I need to swap over my audio stuff, visors, auto dimming mirror, rims and tires, trailer hitch, front lights, put in a new leather wheel and clean the hell out of the truck. I can't help but do that... ;)

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Well yeah- Warrior shackles, torsion keys, and superlift shocks combined with big meats do that... :D


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So have you stopped grinning yet mate?:D

Well yeah- Warrior shackles, torsion keys, and superlift shocks combined with big meats do that... :D

Someone went all out on their latest explorer. :D I'm officially jealous! I want my 98 sitting that high.

Looks like it sits like my 96 Ex does, looks good Joe..

Yup- I can even reply to the wheeling threads. Couldn't give that away before... :D

And nope, not done grinning yet. :)

body lift, and some 33's in the future for the Wedge 2.0 ??

trail rash,, lol

imagine the cleanup threads after some mud bogging,,

body lift, and some 33's in the future for the Wedge 2.0 ??

Maybe... First I need to lose weight so I can get my fat ass up there as it is right now... No running boards... :D

We'll see. I'm still coming to grips with the thought of dirt and rocks and stuff... lol!

we will convert you yet the to THE REAL DIRT ,,,

Since this is technically Wedgie's thread...

What in the WORLD is happening to Wedgie?!?

So now wedgie is pre-sold. I sure miss out on a lot whenever I am gone for a day. :rolleyes:

Yes Nate, you do. Why?

You need to be fast around here... ;)
Who’s fast around here? Or, uh, used to be fast? At least a fast looking avatar? :p:

I think Joe missed his calling, he should be a car salesman, he seems to find homes for his explorers really fast.

It's actually not that hard, especially when prospective buyers will just write me based on a sig line... lol!

By the way- since I was missing her earlier today while working on Wedgie- This is my now gone dog, rest her soul... She's a Cairn Terrier. Not named Toto, but still just like Dorothy's dog!


Good point. Maybe I should stay with something I know. Auntie Em will be upset if that Ex doesn't move on though! lol!

I'd have to figure out a creative way to get them to Kansas without the post office as they're balking at non-producers shipping food now. Idiots.

Maybe we can find a truck driver to deliver them? It can't be cybergasm though, he would probably eat them all before they got here. Has to be another one on the forum somewhere though.

I thought the Wizard of Oz references were enough, but the ChocoDirt shipping... Please!! I mean really- we're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy... :D

Ok, if the purchaser middle-man of the Explorer that my buddy tonight crowned "Without a doubt the nicest riding Explorer I've ever been in..." please post their will if they so desire...

I guess it's time you found out who bought wedgie. It wasn't me and they aren't a member of this site, they are still in the family though. My parents and brother (who is a member, pwhiteelec05) are splitting the cost of wedgie. It will be a backup vehicle in case my brother breaks his truck, or the weather is bad and my dad doesn't want to drive his 2wd truck since taking my moms explorer leaves her stranded at the house. And they wouldn't want to put any more miles on the 03 unless they had to, it's already up to a whopping 26k miles, so it's probably on it's last legs:D.

Told ya they had a fast looking avatar... :D

Just FYI- the Wedge ran beautifully there and back, and the return trip netted a blistering 23 mpg (no joke) running 63-69 all the way home from "the Van"


<EDIT> These tags are freaking hilarious... Ryan Seacrest?!?! Ha ha ha!

Haha, good score mate. At least the wedgewood has gone to a good home and won't be lonely.

Ok all, it's been a long day. Need sleep, work in the morning.

...and to answer the only question that hasn't been asked- Wedgie is in the garage. Spot earned. :)

You could use the soccer ball pump to air those tires and gain a little more clearance... :D

just think Joe you can look forward to all this after a wheeling trip,,:thumbsup::thumbsup:


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You could use the soccer ball pump to air those tires and gain a little more clearance... :D

lol, it needs more than a little. It couldn't even make it up the rti ramp, we don't usually talk about that though as it's sore subject to bring up around my mom.
