Moab 2007 May 19-20 Chat Thread | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab 2007 May 19-20 Chat Thread

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Well, by the looks of it there will be a group headin out of Denver. I'll be new (Nothing but Urban off roading as of yet) with a mostly stock X. The fiancee will be coming with and maybe even a Heep, if he can swing it. We'll see as money and time allow.

Oh, and it is Chocolate, ftw.

I'll be headin out from that always down with caravaning! need to talk to my RMFTC guys as well!

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So when are prospective trails going to be listed/decided?! :D Over the last 8 pages of posts I've forgotten if any ideas have been listed of what trails might be done. I know it's still a bit early, but I'm getting excited.

I'm hoping to do fins & things this trip if I'm able and can sneak in with someone that'll lead some of us :thumbsup:

Man, if I could make this trip, I could go ahead and die. I would love to go.

I have my doubts ($$$) if I can swing the needed stuff, however, my wife and I have discussed this.
She is going to need a nudge, I think--

I guess I have to go on living another year--:p:
I have 2 Kids graduating May 20--I don't see how I can even make both of those--:(

Who put graduation on Moab day?

Well I was planning on staying at a hotel but after looking on the internet at
prices 100 to 125 bucks a night seems steep to me. So I will be camping at canyonlands campground. I have already reserved a site for thursday, friday, and saturday night. So who else is staying at that camp ground?

Ill be there...
look out Hells Gate... here i come!:exp:

Well I was planning on staying at a hotel but after looking on the internet at
prices 100 to 125 bucks a night seems steep to me. So I will be camping at canyonlands campground. I have already reserved a site for thursday, friday, and saturday night. So who else is staying at that camp ground?

The cheapo motel in town is the Silver Sage. Ownership changed a year or two ago but it's still a heckuva lot cheaper than all of the other hotels in town. If you really prefer a room, give them a call. If not, then Canyonlands is certainly a great place to stay.

Thnx for the info Gjarrett. I guess since I have already reserved the campground I'll just camp however for next time I'll keep that in mind...

Well, Got my flight and car reserved :) I'll be in Denver around noon Thursday, and leaving for home Monday around 3pm. The damn Hertz GT-H's are all rented out already, and they're not showing any Stangs for those dates, either, so I nabbed a Fusion this time around :fart: I guess Jefe and I will have to have a Ford 'car' challenge or something, lol. The only thing I haven't reserved yet is a hotel room... does anyone have space in theirs and want to cut down on costs? I still don't snore ;) I DO have a plane-friendly tent now, however, so I suppose camping's not out of the question, but a soft bed is really nice after a hard day of four wheeling.

I really wanted to drive my truck out this year, but with the iffy head gasket... :eek: Besides, Morgan doesn't do too well at speeds over 65 so I'd be looking at at least 10 days of driving to get out there and back. My job just won't allow for it this year. Next year I get my 2 weeks paid vacation, though! Should I be badgering people for a spot to ride along now or should I just wait until the time comes..? Can't wait to see you guys again! :D

silly spas ur riding with me!

. . .so I nabbed a Fusion this time around :fart: I guess Jefe and I will have to have a Ford 'car' challenge or something, lol. . . .
The Fusion on stock suspension shouldn't have any problem getting up baby lions back, unlike my lowered Focus. The sad part is, I was actually debating disconnecting the sway bars just so I could do it in the Focus. :confused: :eek:

The Fusion on stock suspension shouldn't have any problem getting up baby lions back, unlike my lowered Focus. The sad part is, I was actually debating disconnecting the sway bars just so I could do it in the Focus. :confused: :eek:

If you try it I'll try it, my friend :D

LT! You have to be back on base BY Monday morning, which means you have to leave Sunday night! Ain't no way I'm leaving Moab before I have to, it's the only time of year I get to experience what heaven's like :p: Besides, the cops will be less likely to get me in a Fusion this time :D J/k ;)

So, my truck is ready now- gears, locker, sliders, sway bar quick disconnects. :D

Question- the camp site is $21 a night or $7 per person if in a group. Can we put a group together and get a site? Or do I need to make reservations for my own site?

If you guys are looking for newbies to hook, I'm definitely interested. I just read through this entire thread and will be trying to clear my calendar to come out and join the festivities.

Though, now I'm reconsidering some of the work I'll be doing on my X next month to get ready for Moab. Anybody know of a good place to get skid plates/sliders? I'm in college with no shop to make them myself.

Sounds like there should be a good convoy going out from Denver. (possibly Thursday?)

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If you guys are looking for newbies to hook, I'm definitely interested. I just read through this entire thread and will be trying to clear my calendar to come out and join the festivities.

Though, now I'm reconsidering some of the work I'll be doing on my X next month to get ready for Moab. Anybody know of a good place to get skid plates/sliders? I'm in college with no shop to make them myself.

Sounds like there should be a good convoy going out from Denver. (possibly Thursday?)

Dude I gotta give you serious credit for reading through all these posts! :salute: We will definately have to geta convoy together (although I think at the very earliest... I'd be out late Thurs night... more likely fri evening). About the skid plates; I'd just try to see if you can source a ford gas tank one-- it'd probably be the most cost effective and the route I'm going. If you had a sport I'd offer you a new gas tank one that I have (for minimal $)... I bought it and it ended up for a smaller explorer gas tank than the Sport Trac's. All the part numbers I could get from Ford led me to believe I had the right one :mad: If you can measure your tank I can see if it'll fit for ya.... just PM me.

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