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More from the Section525 Fab Shop


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Bluff, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1975 Ford Bronco 4x4
Check out this almost finished front bumper for the Taco. It will be complete with a winch here shortly. :thumbsup:


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That looks really nice. :thumbsup:

It needs much more support to be functional, but I'm assuming that will come once the winch is fitted?

nice looking.

I like it. I second what jefe said though. That toyos got hi steer, no fair.

Nice job Sextion. :thumbsup: More pics of that Tacoma?

BMX.. I think there's more pics of it in the slider thread.

Yes, once the winch goes on it will have more reinforcements added. We just need to how the winch will fit, then work around it. :cool: This bumper is really testing our notching skillz. :cool: :p

Thanks. I think you might ALMOST know what your doing. :p Your really putting your new garage to good use, already 1 SAS, a set of sliders, a front bumper, and that's all in the first month or so. :cool:

Don't forget about the import clutch I just wrapped up today. :rolleyes: :p


I will probably be doing my SAS the week of the 24th. :cool: Assuming all my parts are here by then.

Nuthin like cutting it close for moab. It will be a race. Will section get his SAS done first or will Tdavis get is motor swap up and running first. I call it even on who will finish first.

so let me get this straight. you opend up your own shop?

No. Just a garage. Closed for business. :p I'm just in the off-season of my real job for another 2 weeks... so I don't really have a lot going on now. :D

Great job Section! I'm proud :D


ExplorerDMB said:
Great job Section! I'm proud :D


I mostly just stand around and look pretty. Run the chop saw, sweep, you know.. the easy stuff. :p

Update from tonight. :D


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Very nice!

Did you give up on the Harbor Freight tube kinker? Those bends are very nice.

The stinger section of the bumper was bent at a local 4wd shop. There's no way the HF unit could do that top bend. But the other parts were made on the kinker. Gorden welded the edges of the die up past center on the tube.. so it doesn't flatten as much. It's still not optimal for bends over 45 degrees I would say.

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bumper looks great. i'm a fan of stingers.
i love the ford logo. any reason behind it?

oh.. and your shop should relocate to the midwest.. chicago to be exact. i'll make sure none of those pretty tools ever get rusty.
