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Paragon Trip - Labor Day Weekend

Hell, I might just come up thursday evening and enjoy some camping without fear of being woken up the next morning by a chair on my tent, or having the tent dragged across the campground, or someone scratching at the walls trying to make me get up at the ass crack of dawn :D

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so who all is def going to this run, and what days people will be there

id love to come, but im assuming this is the the weekend after next? if this is the case i cant, as it stands now thats the install date for the stupidlift. if not however, and its this coming weekend or something let me know caus im game for a day or so. and i swear on pain of death i wont pull another ben

sn0border88 said:
id love to come, but im assuming this is the the weekend after next? if this is the case i cant, as it stands now thats the install date for the stupidlift. if not however, and its this coming weekend or something let me know caus im game for a day or so. and i swear on pain of death i wont pull another ben

It's one week from now, Mike! What kinda super lift did you get??

(PS, it's okay if you pull a's entertainment for the rest of us ;) )

Do you have room for a newcomer? I was hoping to stay a little closer to home, since I haven't had this truck on the road much since I bought it, but this looks like a good opportunity for labor day weekend. Looks like I'd have about a 4-5 hour drive ahead of me - what time are y'all planning to start each day and are you still planning on running Sat and Sun?

If I make this I'll probably have my three kids along (ages 10-13) and they'd like to camp out - any state parks or good places to pitch a tent in the area? I haven't been up that way much, so any recommendations will be greatly appreciated...


theres a campground right off the side of paragon, and i believe they allow tents. Earthquake would have more information than i do.

The campgrounds at Paragon are very basic.. Your better off going to Red Ridge Lake Campground about 15 minutes away and camp there for $5 a night. They have full amenities there, shower, toilet, etc. Also they have a store there for ice, firewood, soda, etc..

Blee1099 said:
The campgrounds at Paragon are very basic.. Your better off going to Red Ridge Lake Campground
Thanks - much appreciated!

PAExplorer said:
I've got to talk to Mike, but I can come up on thursday night or friday morning whatever works best for you guys. That way we can get in a full day and not mess with the runs at all. Hell, I work on it myself if you guys go out on Friday. Let me know what you think.

gimme a call and we'll set it up.

As for everyone else, let me know if your going or not and for which day(s).

Red Ridge is $10 per night, Ben :p

Welcome Paul.. Red Ridge is your best bet, it's got all the amenities of home (minus the roof over your head, lol) and it's family friendly.

since the new kid is pretty much done, I tink i'll bring her wit me this weeekend :D anyone got some 31's i could borrow, lol.

second gen Eb flares look pretty sweet, dont they??


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well everyone with the way gas prices are shotting up, i don't know if i will be able to make this run, funds are kinda tight to start and i need all the extra money now to cover my fuel cost to and from work hopefully i can pull together some extra money and still make it, but we will see what happens

I've got 31" bfg rugged trails coming off my x this weekend if you want em. They're for 17" rims though.

Spas said:
...second gen Eb flares look pretty sweet, dont they??

I'm just waiting to see how long those flares stay intact...I'm betting 1 run at most :D :D :D

Mr. Dewalt 18 Volt cordless saw could take care of that. :D

acually, i got 31" bfg all terrains on the stock x rims, i was thinkin of drivin them up to paragon, then maybe switichen em out for the xterrains up there at the garage, if the guide wouldnt mind. If so, and if i can make it, your more than welcome to them. Gas is suppost to hit 3.20 here tonight, but it is cheaper up there. As long as i dont have to sell my soul for gas, im game.

those look good I have a set waiting to go on...

Thanks for all the tire borrowing offers, guys! The fellas I sold Tank to wanted him mostly for the rims and 32's... they now have a set of brand spankin new bfg 31" m/t's on stock rims that I get to use indefinitely :) Probably going to swap them onto Shelby when I get her back from inspection tomorrow. I already KNOW she's not going to pass on the first try, so please don't rub my face in it :p As for the fender flares, I'll bust in a quarter panel before I break one of those- they were a BEAST to get on right!

I'm glad we're camping free since the damn thing only gets 11 mpg at best... my only issue is: Where am I supposed to take a shower??? I guess I could sneak up to Red Ridge if Paul's staying there with his kids though ;) (Paul, you probably don't want to expose young ones to the partying that we usually do, that's why we're not staying at Red Ridge this time).

Spas said:
(Paul, you probably don't want to expose young ones to the partying that we usually do, that's why we're not staying at Red Ridge this time).

Understand completely - didn't want to cramp anyone's style!

Are you all still planning to run Sat and Sun? My best bet is probably to finish prepping the truck Sat AM and then head up to the camp ground that night and meet you Sun morning at Paragon.

If you're only running on Saturday, it'll be a little more difficult for me to get things together, but I'll work on it. Putting in long hours at work these days....


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As of now, we are running paragon sunday. everyone is headdin up to hazleton sometime saturday.

sn0border88: I talked to chris and he said its cool to change the tires there.

Paul N.: you got a cell #? if you do PM me with it and Ill PM you back with the one Ill be at.
