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Return from Truckhaven Jan. 08

But on the serious side, I'm tired of talking about it. Thanks for trusting me to pick you up burns and for being such a good sport downtown! it took us longer than it should have to get out there, but i think the day of sightseeing was a great time for all three of us. that conversation about that despot lincoln will always be a favorite! I don't think I have laughed so much in two days since the 04 trip, sailing through the air in the red exploder. and the small group around the fire the last night was a good time too, I really liked hearing the real stories of the highway patrol right from the horses mouth.

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Man the names were hard. I didnt remember them all. lol

Let me tell ya. I almost got out of my chair and walked down to sideshow bobs hill but the fire was warm and i was just enjoying it all. I should have talked down there.

Jason the whole trip was good for me. Even tho it took some time to get out i still was having a great time












I guess what it comes down to, is that whether I am breaking EF etiquette, or just annoying someone with my habits, I would rather not hear it second hand from my brother. We are all grown men, whether we act like it around the campfire or not, and I would expect grown men to handle themselves accordingly. I will not speak badly about someone unless I feel that way about them, and when I do, it will be to that person! Tdavis, you obviously are not worried what I think, and I'm not really concerned with your opinion, and I don't think that in the grand scheme of this, it matters either way! I'll not attend any runs that you do, and you're welcome to do the same. And I understand that you have the right of way, because you're one of the good ole boys here.
I don't remember saying anything about you or your stuff that was not in jest, except I do not like it when people who do not know their way around an area take off on their own, especially at night. Its just not safe. If I said anything to offend you, I apologize. It would have been nice to air this out when we were sitting around the campfire. I'm sorry you feel this way, but I will get over it.
On a side note; Duct taping the kid to a chair was one of the most funny things I have ever witnessed in my life.

I had a good time, even with Sarah getting sick and keeping us in camp for Saturday. Monday was a good, short day, with 90ranjo cruising up CJ hill without even a tire spinning. By the time I got home at around 3pm on Monday, I was feeling sick and have spent today going between the toilet and the bed. At first I thought I had a hangover, since its been so long since I had one. Then realized that I had what Sarah had. I will post some pics soon.

Cool! :thumbsup: Can you put it all on a disc and mail it too me? Or what is easiest for you? MPEG4 would be the prefured format if on a disc.

I still have to hook up the "Movie computer". It hasn't been touched sence we moved in Sept. Besides I got to start making movies of my daughter:D

No problem man. It will be at the end of the week before i get it uploaded. I got a virus on my pc that i upload video to and dont want to try till i get it all fixed.

I can put it in mpeg4 and get it out to you. Ill pm you in a few days.

Once again congrats on the daughter!




Mike breaking stuff....






Well, I made it home about 3am Monday morning. Flight was delayed in Frisco and and the only reason I made my connecting flight is the pilots flying from San Diego to Frisco were the same going on to Seattle.

I had a great time. Riding with Tom in the Zuk on Saturday was a blast. It was a nice change to ride around with him rather than visa versa when the Zuk is stuck at camp broke :D The Ludicrus Slow climbing and backing down obstacles even gave me a chance to catch a couple of naps.

Show, I had a great time riding with you on Sunday and Monday. Thanks Brian for taking us back out to CJ hill and the Waterfall that Show missed Saturday.

I really wish I had my own truck there but it was great seeing everyone that I haven't seen in years and am glad I went, even if I was a passenger.

Exploderpilot, I don't feel the need to appologize because if there was anything bad said about you by me, I honestly don't remember as I was probably just as hammered as you. However, I also know that anything I would have said negatively would have been in jest. If a simple game of he said she said is going to keep you away from the runs and the great fireside chats, so be it. It was great having you and your brother around as your stories and expressions had me chuckling constantly. Good luck with your future job and be safe.

No problem man. It will be at the end of the week before i get it uploaded. I got a virus on my pc that i upload video to and dont want to try till i get it all fixed.

I can put it in mpeg4 and get it out to you. Ill pm you in a few days.

Once again congrats on the daughter!

No problem, sorry I didn't get to meet you, I had ever Intention on making it out, even when my wife went into labor, I thought we'd be out in time for me to cruise out for a few hours, but somethings are just more important, and I know everyone understands;) I guess you'll just have to come out again:p:

on another note, So I guess Jefe didn't manage to roll anyones truck over the weekend? Or was he just not aloud to ride in any white explorers:p:

The baby takes over. Its cool.

Well Steve since you mentioned coming back out ill go ahead and tell all of you guys out there the bad news. Here it goes:

You guys are such a bad influence on me. I mean honestly. Make a guy fly out and have such a good time. Just plane crazy. Now im going to have to drive out there in the next few years. See what you guys have gone out and done to me.

But seriously I will be back. Hopefully in the next two years ill be able to drive out and tow either my Green Explorer or the new one I will be building this year.

Lost Items Found At Truckhaven

I was cleaning up the Campsite a bit on Monday before we'd hit the trails one last time and found a couple of items laying around:

a folding chair like the type you take to a game it's black with some printing on it and side straps to keep it from folding over backwards.

and a Power Inverter it's a Whistler 200 watt was found near where Froader and 90Ranajo's buddies were camping even tho it's crushed and I don't know if it still even works.

If it yours and want to claim it then PM me to let me know how to get back to ya if not then i will probably toss the inverter and keep the chair.:D

i lost that inverter, chuck it.

Looks like Show made it up CJ hill:thumbsup: Any luck at the waterfall?

Stic-o, i'll get all my video on a DVD for you this week. It will be .mp4 format as you requested to Burns...I was gonna give it to you like that anyways:p:
I posted the best stuff I had, the rest is stuff maybe you can edit in as filler.

Man, say what?!

i lost that inverter, chuck it.

I'm reading your posts and looking at your signature, somethings up. You, of all people, gotta know how to keep moving forward. You know how keep both feet planted too, man, this your hangout. It's not my place to ask you or tell you how to feel about anything, but I gave some s#it here to people, and some people gave s#it to me, but both feet are planted. I don't think you need to go anywhere... You know guys talk s#it, you didn't ever kick someone's @ss and then later became buds? (And you know what? This is supposed to be me being pissed off about something :D This isn't like you, from what you post.) Your signature says you've faced much worse than this... and at 31 you have some real fights ahead of you too, this doesn't seem like one of them. Stay strong! :afro:

...donner, what happened to you...i thought you and your boys were coming out to camp...:scratch:

I was trying to make it, but it wouldn't have been a good thing right now. I'm gonna try for something closer next time... My son wanted to chat with Boomer about his career, and I wanted to arm wrestle BKennedy (jk). I was in San Diego half the day today, but I had no way to let him know I was there... (and what is normal about Normal St?) Anyways, these pics here are great! I was inspired by Jo B's Ex, so I made some changes to the Ex... This was deff a good thing, I missed out!

Next time something is going on, I'm gonna try to get out - maybe next time in Azusa?

Some pics from Monday's Run before we left....


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