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Return from Truckhaven Jan. 08

Man i was getting worried about that.

The footage on my laptop is 7.65 gig in raw format. lol

I hope you can use some of it. I thought i would get more but i was so caught up in the whole trip i sometimes forgot to tape

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Got the video today, alot of good footage there my friend!:thumbsup:;)

Stop watching and start editing. Can't wait to see the finished product.:thumbsup:

Movie In jeopardy of not launching on time!

with a 1 month old, needing fix explorer, and getting ready for a buisness trip for work that i'll be out of town even for the launch date. there is questions being rasied as of what will happen? I still have not touched the video....stay tunned:(

for the first time I have to delay a movie opening:( It's those writer on strike I tell you! :p:

I have not toched the video, and I leave tommorow for a buisness trip, and on top of it it I lost my internet on my editing PC and have to go by a network card:mad:

I will jump on it as fast as I can when I come back from the big city in the desert;)

it's all good. go make some sweet money take care of the family. we all understand :thumbsup:

where's the video? stic-o!

eerrr...Ummmm:rolleyes: Been a little busy this year...but I have not forgotten about it... Maybe I'll finish it for next weekend:D

eerrr...Ummmm:rolleyes: Been a little busy this year...but I have not forgotten about it... Maybe I'll finish it for T-haven 09!:D
Fixed it for ya! :p:

ahh OK So I felt a little inspired after this weekend and start looking back over everthing that I had done to the T-haven '08 video that was spose to come out 8 months ago:rolleyes: 90% of the footage I have is of the same thing:mad: It's almost all CJ hill! So don't be mad when all you see is alot of CJ hill video. I also have to dig up Burns disc he sent me, because somehow I uploaded his stuff and it's all corupted or something. I of DB1 is also screwd up, but it just CJ hill sceens:p: I'll see what I can come up with here. ;) be continued

I can redo that stuff if you cant find it.

Im gonna have to find the tape if so lol

Did you or anyone get videos from this past trip? Why don't you just make a general Truckhaven video instead of limiting it to just that one trip? That way more people and trucks could be featured in it also.

I have january 2008s thaven video and i have some other video from EF. Thats all i got. Stic-o beats me hands down on editing.

Did you or anyone get videos from this past trip? Why don't you just make a general Truckhaven video instead of limiting it to just that one trip? That way more people and trucks could be featured in it also.

Beacuase I've done that before already. Next year is the 5th year of me doing videos, so maybe I'll put a big one together;) I really want to a documentary style video of t-haven. Maybe next year:rolleyes:

where's the video? stic-o!


....Thats an awesome video Sarah...:biggthump

...Where did Stic-O hide his video???..:scratch:

Sarah, that was an excellent video:D:chug:

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good job Sarah! :thumbsup: Looks like I better look out for some competition;)
