Something w/ rabbits. 72.5 pages of BS | Page 30 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Something w/ rabbits. 72.5 pages of BS

So seeing as spring is just around the corner, I thought I'd start a thread on the future undertaking of swapping in the Dana 60.

The axle is from a 1986 "Fawwd" F-threee "fitty", sporting some kingpins and a whole lot of rust. I took this axle apart a few months ago (except stupid me didnt remove the pinion nut before breakdown :rolleyes:) and had it hot tanked. I wanted it sandblasted, but the machine shop owner smirked and said "naaah yo, that junx is too big for my blasting cabinet" .. okay except he didn't really say that cauz he's old and a really cool guy. ANyways *twirls blonde hair*, this is my plaannn:

- WMS-WMS this axle is just a bit over 69" wide so I'm going to cut the passenger's side down a few inches to match 'ye ol General Motors 14-bolt axle. So this is going to require custom axle shafts and I think I'm going to go Chromos and 35-spline outers off the bat from the most awesome guys at Complete Off Road.

- Drive flange or lockouts? They are about the same in price and its a dedicated trail rig so I'm leaning towards the drive flanges. Right now, the cheapest flanges I found are the Teraflexes at $180 for a pair. If anyone knows of a better deal, please let me know :D !!

- High-steer arms and a double-ended hydroponics goodness ("cylinder").

- Opposite-ended panhard bar! The idea is to mount the chassis end of the panhard on the passenger's side frame rail and the axle end on the driver's side. Doing so should allow a more simple and cleaner design since the axle-mount can be mounted on top of or near the differential housing, instead of a tower on the passenger's side (like in my current D44 setup). I also plan to boost the panhard as far up as possible to increase the roll center of the front suspension. Yeah the concept is a little strange but I'm hoping it'll work and won't have any issues (no drag-link to factor into the design). But if anyone knows of any problem running this config, please chime in!

- Detoit Locker for the carrier. I'm please with how the Detroit in the 14-bolt has performed so I figured I'd run the same in the front. Of course 5.13s to match the 14-bolt.

So here's the little guy, he's been in this position for the past few months just collecting dust:


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Whoa I didn't get an E-mail that people responded to this thread.

Lefy -- the pics of the old setup is in the first SAS' photo album:

About 70% done with the front. Setting up the gears on the D60 is going to be a royal PITA cauz as it is now, my weak little arms can barely lift it.


I switched to a 2.5" hydraulic cylinder (the old one was a 2.0") just in case Godzilla tries to steer my Explorer.

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Dang IZ, you're moving right along! Looking good!!

Holy panhard bar batman! Keep up the good work. We use Surplus Center for stuff all the time for our prototype parts as well.

every time I come back to this thread i drool a little more...

when in doubt over build:thumbsup:

Iz you keep it up and you will be finished befor my simple sas. (Darn I'm a slacker)

Thanks guys.

I can't wait to get the front suspension done and move on to the rear (which should be a lot more simple)

Thanks guys.

I can't wait to get the front suspension done and move on to the rear (which should be a lot more simple)

IN! Thanks for the chance! :salute:

Ah WTF, get these hijackers out of here -- JTX, you belong in heaven. :p:

Sorry no update for a while -- I was at Truckhaven last weekend and a family emergency has come up so I wont be updating for at least another week or so.

Change in 2008 is what we need!

LOL okay okay, I'll bring change: JTX you're banned :p:

But can someone with a 4dr 2nd gen please measure the frame width at about the location below? I guess outside of rail to outside of rail measurement. Doesn't have to be precise, closest to half an inch will work.


  • frame_width.jpg
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I just went out to my moms 4dr 2 wheel drive 2nd gen and its about 2 3/8in wide.
I'm guessing you are missing a few feet in there somewhere. He wants the entire frame width, not the frame rail width.

I'm guessing you are missing a few feet in there somewhere. He wants the entire frame width, not the frame rail width.
Yep-- from outside of one frame rail to the other. The guy who's daughter changes his avatar on a day to day basis has it right :)

It should be around 36 or so inches from what I can remember...

Thanks JT!

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