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Return from Truckhaven first run fall '08


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Well another run in the can, and what a run it was:thumbsup:

I had to come home early because Arus had a baby shower to attend today, so I missed any night run from last night and todays runs. I will recap on the previous events though.

Friday night we had a pretty uneventful night run, however I found a new nothes spot yesterday that i hope they were able to find last night, including a new tunnel:D

Saturday we planned to start as a group and split, but never did. Dannyboy came ever so close to fliping his truck on his lid, and we had to do a recovery from him almost tipping. It was pretty crazy.:eek: not to long after DB1 showed us with ease how to do CJ Hill. RJ tryed...and end up are newest member of the rollover posse:roll::( Everybody was fine, but we all went into action to get him back up. Tracy, Dave and I went up from the backside for recovery. I winched him back over while Tracy and Dave played ancor to not pull me over the side when was back on all 4. Very little damage though. Fender, headerpanel and cargo window. I think the cage held everthing together and helped from doing more damage. After putting some ATF in and leeting the white smoke blow off, we were back on our way. a little while later we came through a super twisty area and Dustin being the last truck through popped a coil out. after a little while we got it fixed enough to make it to camp. Total we out from about 10am to 4pm Long run:eek: I have no pics, but I know there are some great ones coming.

April did awesome her first trip, and I know she'll be back out there again soon.:thumbsup:

F-150 did amazing towing! Ran the programer on level 3 and never had a issue. Pleanty of power and got 14mpg towing there and back:thumbsup:

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What a great trip!

The weather was just about perfect, and the only problem I had was a valve stem that cracked within 5 minutes of arriving. Other than that my little truck did very well, and I had an altogether awesome weekend...

Sorry guys, I forgot my camera at home so no pictures from me.

..:scratch:....What, no stories of show's hill????

..:wtf:...Now I get the no camera comment...:p:

Oh man sounds like a eventful trip. I hate that for RJ but glad he had a cage and everything was as good as it could have been.

Im dying for pic too.....but can wait lol

<waiting for the camera guy to get home> :popcorn:

Sounds like a great time. Sorry to hear about your roll RJ. Glad you came out of it ok and the truck isn't too bad.

That hill has claimed a lot of parts... Got my drive shaft U-joint, and Fakrwee's front axle and joint. It's fun when you make it up though:burnout:

I forgot my only carnage...(to the explorer:rolleyes:) was after winch RJ back over I lost the "in" solinoid on my winch. So I can't real my line in:( Guess I'll have to call T-max

This internet is something else. I'm in Mexico City airport waiting for my connection and can log on and check out the trip. Seems awsome to an old timer like me.

Sorry RJ, but welcome to the club. Man those rollcages are really paying off. Glad everything else went well on sat.

Can´t wait for sundays report!!!!!!!!!!!

...How did Dblake like it out there???...Was Cybergasm and Ritsui there too???

I dont know why but i thought about y'all out there this morning, and just had a feeling RJ would roll his truck, and sure enough he did. I'm so sorry to hear it, but glad you and others are ok. I'm still so bummed i missed this weekend, and missed this momentous occasion of sorts. The way it sounds it was a slow tipover onto the side, not a full roll down CJ hill?

It was a pretty good flop on to his side, but no he did not roll all the way over and down like he could of.

No Ritsui or cyber.

Blake diged it...Although 2wd in the notches isn't so great:(

Sat night campfire for those that did not go on the night run We had outdoor movie night! We watched WErock the Hammers and then "Hulk" all on the side of PaulB's motorhome. Thanks for the power Paul, the projection unit Mark, and the boombox DB1. We expect to do this again if everyone remembers what to bring:D

Pic's to follow

Sat night campfire for those that did not go on the night run We had outdoor movie night! We watched WErock the Hammers and then "Hulk" all on the side of PaulB's motorhome. Thanks for the power Paul, the projection unit Mark, and the boombox DB1. We expect to do this again if everyone remembers what to bring:D

Pic's to follow

It was KOH King of the Hammers:rolleyes: Geez get it right:p:

















It was KOH King of the Hammers:rolleyes: Geez get it right:p:

She even forgot Friday's movie Iron Man:p: :D

I knew we were pretty close to a roll over but not that close:eek::eek: Good thing I said STOOOPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but that didn't stop me from rideing with you Danny for the rest of the day. I do it again. You, Ali & Diva are a fun group to ride with:D







And a NEW FLAG!!

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I think both Dannyboy and RJ have new avatars available in all thos pics! :p:
