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Project Lazyboy SAS...

So just bought the wife a new 2012 F150 FX4 Ecoboost she told me I can have the Lincoln Aviator and do whatever I want with it. So I am going to SAS this beast. Already started collecting parts. This time I am going full widths.

Here is pic of the bosses new truck...

Project Lazyboy 2003 Lincoln Aviator 4.6 DOHC 5 speed auto AWD.

Plans for the truck
3/4 ton Chevy leafs rear.
Ford 9.75 5.13 Detroit
F150 High pinion Dana 44 5.13 electric locker
Custom long arm set up with coilovers
Electric shift BW1356 (should fit since the frame is wider and gas tank is on the pass side).

I should be starting the build in the next couple months. We are getting ready to move so I may not start until mid/late Fall. Stay tuned....:D

Oh and if anyone wants some upgrade parts for there Explorer or Mountaineer the Lincoln used Aluminum front control arms and I think a few other things like bigger brakes all that stuff will be for sale. Also the Aviator has 4.30 gears in it now those axles will be up for grabs when the time comes.

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This is gonna be awesome. I am definitely gonna watch this build. All of your projects are really clean and I'm sure this one will be too.

I'm still sad that such a clean vehicle is gonna turn into a monster...but then again my cousin felt the same way when she saw what I've done to her old truck...guess its the circle of life for these. Can't wait for the built to start!

I'm still sad that such a clean vehicle is gonna turn into a monster...but then again my cousin felt the same way when she saw what I've done to her old truck...guess its the circle of life for these. Can't wait for the built to start!

LOL far from clean. I have done a good job hiding the inner body damage the accident did. Plus on the pass side my wife side swiped a gate. So there is huge scratch down the side. This is going to be my DD so it is going to be pimp! Already looking at Paxton blowers for it. :eek:

I'm still sad that such a clean vehicle is gonna turn into a monster...but then again my cousin felt the same way when she saw what I've done to her old truck...guess its the circle of life for these. Can't wait for the built to start!

Here ya go some good close up pics so you can see the damage to the Aviator...

You can see the bumper cover is messed up I used a heat gun to pop out the dent in it but still looks like crap up close. The fender is fiberglass(came factory that way) and is all cracked and mounts are broke, I have new one for it. The hood I put on it is needs some paint and little bondo.

Here we have inner fender support damage(I straightened out and did a little body work with my Jeeps winch). The fan shroud is broke and battery tray is cracked. Truck had some issues when I bought it so I never wanted to sink money in and Aviator parts are hard to come by and expensive.

And here we have the damage from the gate.

The headliner is messed up cause PO had a dog and then tried to vacuum all the dog hair and messed it up. Most of the other stuff is just nit pick but the truck isn't as nice as it once was. And it will be way cooler when I am done. And fit my needs better as it will help promote my business locally and still have utility as truck to pull a trailer around. With what insurance paid me for the damage I am only few thousand into and it has been my wife's DD for 4 years so I can't complain about it at all. It served us well and it will serve me well for what I intend to do with it. :D

Are you going to get some kind of signage to put on it (either on the window or a vinyl overlay on the body panels) to help promote the biz?

I know a few Heep guys, but I don't know if they are into an 8.8 swap. And I don't know of anyone looking for SAS. I'll send them your way though if I do.

This is gonna be awesome. I am definitely gonna watch this build. All of your projects are really clean and I'm sure this one will be too.[/QUOTE

Agreed!! Your work is incredible and I cannot wait to see a Lifted Aviator!

Here ya go some good close up pics so you can see the damage to the Aviator...

You can see the bumper cover is messed up I used a heat gun to pop out the dent in it but still looks like crap up close. The fender is fiberglass(came factory that way) and is all cracked and mounts are broke, I have new one for it. The hood I put on it is needs some paint and little bondo.

Here we have inner fender support damage(I straightened out and did a little body work with my Jeeps winch). The fan shroud is broke and battery tray is cracked. Truck had some issues when I bought it so I never wanted to sink money in and Aviator parts are hard to come by and expensive.

And here we have the damage from the gate.

The headliner is messed up cause PO had a dog and then tried to vacuum all the dog hair and messed it up. Most of the other stuff is just nit pick but the truck isn't as nice as it once was. And it will be way cooler when I am done. And fit my needs better as it will help promote my business locally and still have utility as truck to pull a trailer around. With what insurance paid me for the damage I am only few thousand into and it has been my wife's DD for 4 years so I can't complain about it at all. It served us well and it will serve me well for what I intend to do with it. :D

Haha, couple scratches and dings, guess it's time to completely redo it :D I see now though the damage. But it's a good thing. Gives you an excuse to build a crawler.

Even if it was in mint condition, I think a solid axle swap would still be an awesome idea. Can't wait to see this one.

Are you going to get some kind of signage to put on it (either on the window or a vinyl overlay on the body panels) to help promote the biz?

I know a few Heep guys, but I don't know if they are into an 8.8 swap. And I don't know of anyone looking for SAS. I'll send them your way though if I do.
I doubt any signage mostly cause I think rolling billboards are dangerous and can cause accidents, since people are not paying attention to the road. I have had people follow me in the Merc and Double R to ask me about the trucks. I can only imagine the Aviator will be the same. I just hand them a business card when they ask. And not real excited about jelly Toyota owners seeing the truck and harassing me. Can you make my Toyota like your Ferd. I had a guy ask me that wheeling the other day. I told him no I don't work on Toyotas since there engines are full of unicorn blood and I don't want a chance of a rainbow colored stain on my garage floor. :D

And thanks the 8.8s have been selling like crazy!!!:thumbsup:
Even if it was in mint condition, I think a solid axle swap would still be an awesome idea. Can't wait to see this one.

Agreed right now it is just a hot rod station wagon with AWD. Time for it to break the mold and become one of a kind. :D

Just wanted to give an update just like I thought would happen we found a house we like with 15 acres, 30x40 pole barn, and very rural. We made an offer and it was excepted we close something next month depending on the closing of our house. Pretty excited to move and ready to build a lot more Fords including Lazyboy. Once we get settled and I get the shop setup should get the Lincoln rolling I have pretty much every part now except the lockers and front gears.

hahaha I was just about to comment on here about no updates, but I missed that one. Glad you've found a nice place with some good area. More room to build!!!

Sold our house full price close in late Nov. on the 15 acre house. Can't wait. Since I have all the remodeling done and I will have my work caught up this Wed. Thurs and Fri I will start Lazy. Doing the rear first. I picked up some 3/4 Chevy leafs Yesterday. I already geared the 9.75 to 5.13 and redrilled the shafts and rotors to make them 5x5.5. I found a 37 Cooper STT so now I should have a complete set once I pick it up. Still no coilovers so I have a plan for that temporary until they show. So as long as this week goes as planned it begins this week.

This week better go as planned then!!!
I'd love to see the looks on people's faces with this thing. Normally you see either stock Aviators or ones with like 22"s rollin down the street. People won't even know what to think about this beast.

Subscribing! This is what I am thinking about doing with my Explorer!

My wife had an aviator but wouldn't let me play with it, this is gonna be interesting!

I have collected all the parts minus some rims and tires to roll it around on the new bolt pattern. Did some measuring and checking today. The back is giving me a headache. But I think I have it all figured out. The frame in front of the rear axle is 45.25" outside of frame to outside of frame, and frame behind the rear axle is 41.25" That was discouraging when I measured it but I came up with plan to fix the issue. Once I have it built I will post pics. That is the only hiccup I have found so far. Here are some pics and teaser pics. LOL this thing is going to be majorly BA!


2nd Gen Explorer front leaf spring bracket. I scored 4 of them from the JY for $20 total.

It should sit another 4 inches higher when I am done. But you can see 37s barely fit. Ford and there giant wheel wells I love it!

This is about how much tire will sit out side the fenders when I am done. I love it!!!

Rear shot ride height will probably be a little higher then rear bumper is now but not a lot cause the truck is sitting at an angle right now, since I only have the rear up in the air. I think Ford should have made this a Factory option. :D

Im liking this! Can't wait to see it finished.

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Looks like its gonna be sweet! Subscribing!
