034x4's D44 SAS thread... | Page 21 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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034x4's D44 SAS thread...

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I'll shoot some of his 3-link next time i've over there. It's set-up similar to a long arm kit with only one upper on the passenger side.

Radiator and fan are behind the rear seat.

It's a trail only rig.

My camera phone pwns you gil.

034x4 said:
I'll shoot some of his 3-link next time i've over there. It's set-up similar to a long arm kit with only one upper on the passenger side.

Radiator and fan are behind the rear seat.

It's a trail only rig.

My camera phone pwns you gil.
lmao. werd to your mom!

how does his setup flex? pretty good?

i like his camera phone pics, they load easier when i'm at work(dial-up) they are pretty good pictures for a camera phone. the cellular industry has made vast improvements since camera phones first came out and you had to look at a picture from 3 feet away to make sense of all the giant pixels smashed together.

supergildo said:
uh, can you say trail rig??

internally mounted means that its inside the jeep, like behind the backseat probably. its done to same room and keep it out of harms way...

oh really its a trail rig? gee thanks for pointing that out, i sure didn't realize that....
that doesn't mean he can't drive it at night... you've never gone wheeling at night? ;)

p.s. how do you "same room"?

Nick26 said:
p.s. how do you "same room"?

get drinking glass. fill with bleach, slam drinking glass. refill with bleach, continue until dead.

you should really try it!!! :confused:

so do you slam the glass on the table? slam it on the floor? or same it with no net?

034x4 said:
Ya it flexes pretty good gil.

Camera phone isn't going anywhere beotch.

what if i shove it up your ass. then what?

get some more pics of his 3 link and his flex. pleeeease.

034x4.. hey i will be at benning for the 14th to the 5 for airborne school.. we need to hook up and wheel so something.. (at least to check out your truck)

tom woods 6-bolt flange to 1310 yoke adapter will be here friday....
next week is my spring break, relocating gas-tank to truck bed.
Start building my 4-link.
JJ's on frame end, 1" heims on axle.
40" lowers, ~35" uppers, going to make a truss modeled after the claytons d60 truss.
Stock XJ front coils.
Bob the frame behind the tires.

You gonna wheel it first to see how you liek the current setup or just jump straight into phase 2?

Honestly I'm not sure. I'm going to tellico the weekend of the 24-26. I'm starting the 4-link build next week during my spring break. So whichever comes first. I might still have leafs come that weekend, or I might have coils, who knows ;).

ever thought about a one link rear?

also what type of 4 link? triangulated? or 4link with panhard?

redranger4.0 said:
ever thought about a one link rear?

been following the thread.. never heard of this can you explain it ?

redranger4.0 said:
ever thought about a one link rear?

also what type of 4 link? triangulated? or 4link with panhard?

from what hes told me, triangulated 4 link.

one links are kinda ghetto...

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the same getto as wheel spacers? :P
