19 owns you (gonna be in truckin too!) worklog! | Page 17 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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19 owns you (gonna be in truckin too!) worklog!

28 speaker fiberglass interior install work log

i used to have a list of mods here that was current late 2004

it is now april 2005 and not one of those mods still apply. please just go to the last few pages for new pictures.


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I like the look. I would trade ya X's any day LOL

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how many strokes would i have to give you?

I dont understand the Q?

lol, that was a response to bbq and the golf match.

i'm a +.9 handicap index

I was looking back through your photos - do you worry at all about the rust on your underbody? With all the money you've put into this beast, I'm sure you plan on driving this thing into the ground.

I only ask, because 99% odds are that I WILL be driving mine for atleast 5 or 6 more years, probably more and I'm worried rust will become an issue. No cosmetically, but structurally.

When you get it back from the painter?

expo5.0 said:
how many strokes would i have to give you?

That also really scared me the first time I read it....

expo5.0 said:
how many strokes would i have to give you?
LOL, 1 for each year older I am than you!!! ROFL

shot 68 today, are you sure thats gonna be enough?

just wait until i get my driver done with the flames... that will have to take 3-5 more off my score.

honestly though, if you have an older driver- GET A NEW ONE. I've had the same set of woods since 1999 when i got the then brand new Yonex biam titanium model driver and 3 woods. I went through 4 different sets of shafts with them and thought i'd keep them forever. Each year i'd go out and test the new ones and i never thought i was making a mistake by keeping the old. This year i was bored one day this spring while waiting for take out food next to the golf store locally here so i decided to walk in and hit a few drivers on their simulator (mostly just because i like showing off- lol)

before i'd left i had tested about 10 different models and i found that the Orlimar driver i just bought with the Harrison pro 2.5 shaft was 28 yards longer and 39% more accurate than my old Yonex with the same shaft. According to their simulator i hit 15 balls with it an average of 343 yards and the average distance from the target right or left was only 2.2 yards, this was phenomenal as compared to my own driver, and a bit better than any of the others they had (which may have been due to shafts being to weak in many of them). needless to say i bought the driver though, and i've never been happier with a club purchase. It is so much straighter and longer than my old one. I've been able to reach par 4s off the tee that i had never tried to go for before, and can now reach even the 630 yard 17th hole at our course in two with an iron. It even goes a bit farther on the course than the simulator had predicted (but the ground is still pretty dry this spring)

my random testimonial is over!

ok happy gilmore... go putt me some components and amps. :D My shaft works just fine and doesn't need replacement.

How about the rust?

i know nothing about the rust, i try not to worry about things out of my control.

if it becomes a problem at this point i'd be better off getting a new frame than a new truck lmao

expo5.0 said:
i know nothing about the rust, i try not to worry about things out of my control.

if it becomes a problem at this point i'd be better off getting a new frame than a new truck lmao

not going to try and thwart its progress?

I got rid of all of my Big bertha Calloways. I still have Calloways though, just not the Big bertha's. I love my current driver. I guess my game is accuracy over distance. I use to wallop the ball 300 yds, just didn't know sure which way it was going. now I know, it is right down the middle at a meager 250. I also have 4 wedges and have only used 3, LOL. Still haven't found the right shot for my approach Web. Maybe se need to start a thread on Golf. Years back, the best club I had was a wedge, it was the foot wedge. Sure cleared those trees every time. LOL. I LOVE golf as much as sex and it lasts longer too. ROFLMAO

my position on wedges is that less is more.

i used to play with a 60, 56, 52, and pw back in high school, but have since gone to just a pw, 52, and 57. I use my 57 for virtually every wedge type situation around the greens (i always use the lowest lofted club i can though) and everywhere from 125 and in. I've found that works out better than trying to have a club for each yardage as it forces me and enables me to have a better "feel" for what i'm doing which makes all of my shots better.

the only time i use my 52 or pw when i could use the 57 is in the wind to keep it lower. I'd start a golf thread, but i'd be surprised if many posted. I think i may have done it once or twice before actually. It would be fun to have an explorer golf tournament but i'm sure that will never be more than a foursome or two in one location.

drew wilson, how the hell ya been? I havent seen or talked to you in quite a while.

hey, i've been good.

i heard you've been installing some, and you ditched the crappy audiobahn speakers, and got a new car (your signature says so too eh?)

maybe i'll catch you in town when i come back with my truck later today with the paint done.

ewww audiobahn =) welcome to the right side bro lol


for a first install i think i did pretty damn good. I'm also doing some fiberglass stuff for an install on my dad's work van, and i'm using the audiobahn speakers that i got back from the factory. I sent the blown ones in on warrenty.

how late are you going to be in town? i'm going to be at work until 8:30, after that i'm free and was planning on going down to servicemaster to work on my dad's van some more. Lemme know what you're up to, i'd love to check out what you got goin

Yeah, it does look nice man.

i'm gonna probably head back up to the cities before you get done, but i'd like to check it out in person sometime. Have you seen the fiberglass in my brothers escape?

i'll be back down in a few weeks for sure we're gonna have a big bbq with some guys in my club and maybe a few other people. Maybe you can stop by then.


For everyone else- picked up the truck today, will snap pictures asap. It looks GREAT.

Cool I can't wait to see the pics :cool:

btw- it looks good, and there were a few last minute changes

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ok.... PICTURES!
