Donate to Save Dannyboy's life...cage time | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Donate to Save Dannyboy's life...cage time

No I think that cage just didn't cover enough of the truck. I kept that in mind when building mine. I may be eating my words when/if I actually use my cage and my truck is nothing but dumpster rubble but I think it's going to take a lot of that to happen.

And it's not that pretty R.J. there is plenty of overspray and anything that touches the paint is scraping it off. Especially the axles, I primed them with a few light coats and 2 coats of krylon and I feel like I can take it down to the metal with my fingernail. It may have been too hot here this weekend.

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that cage was also 1-1/5" and i don't think it was chromoly.

i used like rustolium flat black. seems to work ok. im too lazy to paint around the c/o's and move the resi's out of the way for painting.

and where's your truss??????

trussing is a b***h

trussing is a b***h

But OHHHHHH So worth it in the end. I've had a buddy bend his stock one up on the trail, so that's what pushed me to plate and truss mine.:thumbsup:

Cage looks awsome. Wish I had the funds to Cage mine.

Hey dannyboy, we saw these at the offroad expo last year. locking spindle nuts. worry free.

I've heard about those. I also heard that they don't fit in the D35 hubs.

Nope, they don't fit.. Rick had a set sitting on his kitchen counter when I was last there.. They they physcially don't fit in the d-35 hub (warn)..


Sucks they dont work, Warn's locking spindle nut kit was a great solution too, wouldnt bee too hard to duplicate. I find with the extra metal on the tabs of my lock ring washers and torquing the jam nut to tight as F*%k they dont move anymore.

I sent Warn an email looking for the splined washer on my axleshaft, they were really quick with a response. I then followed up asking if they would reconsider releasing that part since there was so many older trucks out there with that drive axle and many more showing up on the trails, sadly they said it was not in the works at this time.

...I'm just throwing this out there but, wouldn't Dana/Spicer carry that part???..:scratch:...They have the standard spindle nut set for 10 bucks compared to warns $57 set and I would think they would also have the splined washer in stock and for cheap...:dunno:

EDIT: I am pretty sure you can not get them from 4wheelparts but I believe if you contact, they have them...

car quest has the inner and outer as well as the lock ring washer right in the store
ASk for Dana 44 spindle nuts, much much much cheaper this way

OR you can go pull them at a junk yard from Rangers, Explorer's, Jeeps, D44 trucks, etc
No way I buy the spindle nut kit from Warn....mine as well just throw $$$ away :) LOL

what about stock ford hubs?

what about stock ford hubs?

..The stock Ford hubs were made by Warn for Ford...The current price info is in the link I posted above along with the Spicer, spindle nut assembly...;)

so the stage 8 d35 units only work for jeep guys or what?

so the stage 8 d35 units only work for jeep guys or what?

nope, 44s adn 60s

back on topic, I DROVE THE EXPLORER TO WORK TODAY!!!!!!!

everyone who works in my office were really impressed with it. I know I got a few looks from other cars too.

The alternator isn't chargning and I'm trying to figure out why, 410 tipped me off and I've got a 911 thread going too.

I can't see how they would work for them either.. We can use the jeep dana 35 hub on the explorer so I would "ASSUME" that they are both the same size (jeep and ford dana 35 warn manual hub)..

If that is the case it won't fit in the jeep one either..


...I personally talked to them a while back and they said they were considering the dana 35 but they do not carry them as of yet...They did state they fit the jeeps but the configuration for the ford hubs were different..:dunno:...Here is a visual...

Hrm.. if they say it fits the jeep and we can use the jeep hubs (thicker metal) they it should fit the ford using the jeep hub..

I remember seeing pics of the jeep vrs ford hub and they look the same to me.. IF they are the same I can't see how they would fit on the jeep.

EDIT: I found it.. its an article on therangerstation...


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Ok, just got off the phone with bruce from stage 8. he is the guy who designed this thing. he says dana 35 and 30 were released 6 weeks ago and are not on the site, but offered to sell me a set right now that will fit in either the standard warn manual hub for 1st gens, or the jeep version. I am gonna order them on the 26th, because that's when I'm getting another EX!
