Kert's cnc plasma table build | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Kert's cnc plasma table build

Well, I've been a little quiet on this board after selling off my RBV's, but I figured some would be interested in my latest project. I'm in the process of putting together a 4'x4' plasma table I'm hoping to be able to cut up to 1/2" thick steel on it. I already have the main table portion welded up, and I'm working on setting up a water tub for it. The gantry parts are still en-route. I'll up date the thread with pictures and progress as I have time.

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Here is what I have for the table base so far. Made from 4x4 and 2x2 3/16 wall tubing. The top that the gantry will ride on will also be made from 2x2 tube. The bolts are so that the table can be leveled after it is moved around.



Water table done! Over 50 linear feet of weld, I'm glad it's finished. Now all I have to do is wait for my gantry set up. It should be here next week sometime.


Sweet. I but you will have a lot of fun with that. I built my own cnc machine and I also have a cravewright wood carving machine. I bet you will have a lot of fun with that.

The gantry is supposed to be here tomorrow according to my shipping info. It's going to be a fun week!

Gantry all set up and function tested. I'll probably wire the plasma up to it and make some test cuts this evening!


I've been selling targets at local gun shows since Nov last year. Sold enough to justify making a hobby business out of it. I'll be experimenting with other stuff to like signs, bumpers, and whatever else people want cut. I built the table so beefy because I want it to be able to hold up cutting .5" thick sheets. The machine torch I got has different tip sizes so I should be able to do 14ga up to .5" thick and maybe thicker depending on the duty cycle of the cutter I got (100% @ 60amp).

Classy website so far... here

Fantastic! Very nice build! Looks to be stepper motor driven? Any more recent pictures?

Yes, it's stepper motor driven. It was actually a kit from gearheadcnc. Pretty much came with everything minus the cutter and table base. The kit seems to be pretty good. I might end up modifying a few of their trolleys because there is just a little "wobble" in some parts, but over all I think I am a lot farther ahead buying this kit than piecing it together.

It has definitely been a learning curve for taking DXF's and using the program (BobCad) to write the g code that the machine reads. I've been honing my skills getting my feeds and programming down trying to get good 1" diameter holes in some 1/2" flat bar I have laying around. I will say that I am already loving the water table. It definitely keeps the dust/smoke down and keeps the parts cool which will be important when I start cutting the hardened steel for my targets on it.

BobCAD? Never heard of that one. Are you generating a DXF on your own with BobCAD or using a separate program. If you are an AutoCAD guy, there are free CAD programs like Draftsight (which you may already have). At work we are on MasterCAM ($$$) and run with IGES files.

That is just a really cool project. Yea, if you can get a canned system it is a lot easier than trying to set up you own servos or steppers.

One last question are you just 2 axis and you adjust the torch or do you have the 3rd axis to set the torch height?

Very nice set up man! I wonder if you could start making some Explorer Forum garage signs for us all, I'm in if you do. Something like the mountain climbing Explorer logo and "Serious Explorations" in cut out letters on the top.

Very nice set up man! I wonder if you could start making some Explorer Forum garage signs for us all, I'm in if you do. Something like the mountain climbing Explorer logo and "Serious Explorations" in cut out letters on the top.

Something is already in the works with Turdle for some EF gear :D

One last question are you just 2 axis and you adjust the torch or do you have the 3rd axis to set the torch height?

I have the 3rd axis for torch height, but the "kit" doesn't support the auto torch height control that changes the height based on the voltage of the cutter. I can set the height in my g-code, but say if the plate warps, my height won't automatically adjust for it. I can wire up the controls for the auto adjustment, but I need to do a lot more research on it since it wasn't prewired in the kit, so it would involve making some wiring to the CNC circuit board and the internals of the cutter...

BobCad can draw stuff but it's a definitely not my preference. I'm using BobCad to take DXF's and turn them into the G-code the machine reads (mach3).

I have a copy of SolidWorks for doing serious drawing/modeling. I use SolidWorks everyday at work, so it's definitely my preferred method. Even better is my Boss/Owner at work has no problem with me doing this hobby business on the side, so I have a lot of access to things I couldn't afford to do at this point otherwise.

I have BobCad too and I dont like it. I use Solidworks for drawing everything and then take it into Sheetcam which is really easy to use to write the g-code. I am using Mach3 as well on my machine. The only thing I dont like about Sheetcam is you have to manually nest everything (it is capable of arrays though).

Saw the targets, any other stuff you have mare that you'd share pics of? Any hint as to what you and the master powder coater have in mind?

I have BobCad too and I dont like it. I use Solidworks for drawing everything and then take it into Sheetcam which is really easy to use to write the g-code. I am using Mach3 as well on my machine. The only thing I dont like about Sheetcam is you have to manually nest everything (it is capable of arrays though).

Very cool, I like the Solidworks interface better than Pro but they have changed that in the latest version.

Hopefully soon, I will have the chance to start working with the cam softwares of the world.

Spent most of the day cutting out parts so I'm ready for a show next weekend. 15in a min takes awhile... Takes almost half an hour to cut one row with 10 parts. I also figured out a way to move/lift the 4'x8' sheets using my engine lift and some wheel tie down straps. Everything I cut today was 3/8" and it turned out pretty well. Monday I'll be doing my 1/2" thick parts.

Still working on some EF swag. A couple ideas floating around right now.



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How many sets of mickey mouse ears do you need?
