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Muffler Too Loud....


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
I recently had a dual in single out 2.5", Flowmaster 50 series intalled on my V6 Sohc. As part of the package the installer offers Chrome exhaust tips. I chose a tip that is about 16 inches long and 3.5" wide with an angle cut . I had it welded high at an angle so only the last 3 inches are visible under the bumper. It looks awesome.

The muffler sounds great at idle and has increased my mpg between 3-5mpg coupled with the intake. The problem is it resonates very loud between 2300-2800 rpms. It is a loud drone that fills the cabin. At 70mph on the highway my sohc sits around 2500rpm and the drone sucks. I have to turn my radio up 1/2 way to cover it.

I love the deep sound the truck has at idle and the chrome tip looks awesome, but could it be megaphoning the muffler drone? The 50 series muffler is supposed to be a bit louder than stock. Most of the time the sound cant be hear with the exception of the above rpm range.

Any ideas on what I can do to quite this thing short of replacing the muffler?

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Only real solution is to replace the muffler with something quieter that still flows well such as the Flowmaster 70.

aldive is right but i have heard that most SOCH, i have a magnaflow on my 1998 SOHC and the drone is there. I have just gotten accustom to it but other people say it sucks. but mine is not bad at 70 the wind noise and music mostly drown it out. it is worse at about 55.

There is no drone at all on my system - SOHC, Flowmaster 70, 2 1/2" cat back piping.

Wouldnt it be a start to try and change the megaphone exhaust tip? The overall sound isn't that bad except at that rpm range. I am a proffessional guy in his late 30's I can't be driving a truck with an overly loud (boy racer) muffler.

Mainly did it for gas milage and performance. The loudness was an unpleasent side effect. Deep powerful tone is cool but not loud and raspy.

I doubt the tip will make any difference.

If you want to get rid of the noise you will need a different muffler, and if you want a Flowmaster, it needs to be a 70.

You will not notice any fuel economy or performance difference.

yeah the tip will do nothing, the drone in my truck is not bad most of the people that complane about it are people that drive cars that are very quiet. to me it is just a nice quiet rumble and that is what i wanted. and a muffler is the only way to make it quieter.

ok i have a 99 sohc and the muffler is 50 suv dual in single out. 2.5 tailpipe. no tip. I expected more deeper sound. when it is below 1800 rpm it is deep. above that it sounds raspy and ricey. nothing like the sound clips on this forum of others with the same setup. maybe flowmaster gave me a bad muffler?

I think it has a lot to do with the dual in and single out style muffler too. The guy that posted his sound clip on here of an SOHC with a flowmaster 50 series muff sounds good but you'll notice he has the dual inlet and dual outlet type muff on there.

Green98XLT said:
I think it has a lot to do with the dual in and single out style muffler too. The guy that posted his sound clip on here of an SOHC with a flowmaster 50 series muff sounds good but you'll notice he has the dual inlet and dual outlet type muff on there.

That muffler is just loud, no matter how its piped.

I had the same problem with my Sport and SUV 50 series Flowie. I ended up getting an aftermarket resonator welded in and it took care of the resonation for the most part. Still sounded decent on the outside.

Here's my thread on the install of the resonator.

I have the 50 series and it really isnt that loud at all. The highway drone is nothing, you can barely hear it at highway/cruising speeds.

Afboy143 said:
I have the 50 series and it really isnt that loud at all. The highway drone is nothing, you can barely hear it at highway/cruising speeds.

Probably makes a difference that you went with 2.25" pipes. I had 2.5".

you also have the V8

I just know that sometimes I wish I went super 40

Afboy143 said:
you also have the V8

I just know that sometimes I wish I went super 40

I'm not talking about my current setup. I just traded in my '00 Sport on the Eddie w/ V8. The Sport had SOHC in it and I had the SUV 50 series w/ 2.5" pipes from the cats back. Didn't mind the sound at first, but it annoyed me over time. The resonator was exactly what the doctor ordered. ;)

Now this is confusing. Mine has a great deep growl at idle and does start to sound ricey at 2400rpm. At times it sound no louder than stock, that is above 3000rpm almost disappointing in a way. Its that damn 2300-2900 rpm drone that drives me nuts.

What can I do about this and where can I buy an aftermarket resonator??

Please help my wife is about to divorce me over the noise :eek:

Lazzman said:
What can I do about this and where can I buy an aftermarket resonator??

Any reputable muffler shop can help you. I had a Flo-Pro. Great stuff, but probably hard to find in the US. I think there is a link to their stuff in my resonator thread I linked.


Flo Pro Baffle Pack 17", 2.5" core, part 4415XX

Email Flo-Pro for a dealer. They respond quickly. I also have a Flo-Pro muffler in my Eddie. Love it.

Indeed, the resonator is what you need. I'm running the stock tailpipe and resonator on my 98 SOHC Sport, with a dual in, single out Flowmaster 50-series SUV muffler. The only hint of drone I get is between 80 and 82 mph, and it's VERY tolerable. At all other cruising speeds, it's quite quiet. On acceleration, it's got a nice growl to it. :) I'm VERY happy with mine. :)


edit: I forgot to mention, I didn't see any fuel mileage gains, but I didn't do it for fuel mileage anyways.... the OEM one was rotted out.... to be expected with 90,000 salt-encrusted miles on it!!

Thanks for all the great answers, it has really helped me narrow down the problem. I like the muffler sound overall. Nice and deep at idle, smooth power on regular acceleration but at times big drone between 2300-3000rpm, don't think that has much to do with the mufflers sound.

True at times I to think it is to quiteand all I can hear is the engine, which is ok because I don't want to attract attention, Though the deep sound of power is nice.

I think I will try the resonator and Flowmaster rates the 50, 60 and 70 series at the same volume- according to there chart.


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Lazzman said:
I think I will try the resonator and Flowmaster rates the 50, 60 and 70 series at the same volume- according to there chart.

If you are wanting the max power and mileage from the exhaust, the addition of a resonator will not be helpful.
