My latest project: 1970 Dodge Dart 512 C.I. Bracket Racer | Page 57 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My latest project: 1970 Dodge Dart 512 C.I. Bracket Racer

Some of you may remember that I used to have a 1972 Dodge Dart which I drag raced.


Well, I got the itch to get back into racing:burnout: Our new house is only 3 miles from the Speedworld racetrack and I can faintly hear them running the cars from our house. It was just too much for me to bare;) I haven't been doing much in the way of local fourwheeling, so I thought drag racing would give me something to do on the weekends.

A couple weeks ago I bought a 1970 Dodge Dart off of E-bay. The car was located in New Jersey, a mere 2500 miles from home:eek: I decided this was the right car for me mainly because I really needed to get out of the house on my own for a couple weeks and this was just the excuse I needed;)

The car is going to be stripped and repainted. It will get new quarter panels, at least one rocker, one floorpan, new door hinges, fiberglass hood, bumpers, and most likely trunk lid as well.

The new color will most likely be orange, but it just may end up being red, like my old one. Plans for it include a 650HP, 512 CI, big block Mopar and an automatic transmission. I'm just not sure if it will be from BB or SB or whether or not it will even be a Mopar:eek: I plan on ditching the torsion bar front suspension for an aftermarket K member which gives you rack and pinion steering, upgraded brakes, and the choice of coilover shocks or airbag suspension.

The rear end in the car right now is a trussed Mopar 8 3/4", with a three link suspension and coilovers.











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That SUCKS!!
I was hoping to get over there this year and watch you race.

I'm going to get out there on Feb 2 and 3rd. (assuming they are open into next month)

Come on out ;)

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I like the detune idea. Make it a sleeper, go find some street racers and dust some ricers.

This sucks!
KCIR in Kansas city also closed, due to city pressure.

I don't get it. On one hand, there is a city wanting to get racing off the streets.
The same city then creates ordinances which drive the local drag strip out of business.

You could drive that car here in Kansas Rick. People would stare, but if you had mufflers you'd be legal. If there is a way to get exhaust on there I'd go tear up the streets. :burnout:

I like the detune idea. Make it a sleeper, go find some street racers and dust some ricers.

Detune nothin... there ain't no rules on the street ;)

I don't know what I'm going to do yet. Still numb...

Okay, maybe detune was the wrong word. Let's try cloak.

I LOVE the sleeper idea, but am having a hard time trying to figure out how you could do that - hiding the roll cage, etc. LOL

What will be the closest strip to you now?

Well folks, the fun is over. The track which is just 4 miles from my house is closing, permanently, within the next 2 months. Firebird Raceway on the other side of town was supposed to shut down completely this year. Latest news is that "professional" racing will continue, that makes it sound like National events only.

I now have a VERY expensive paper weight:banghead:


I do not understand the County's reasoning. Unbelievable.

Firebird is only supposed to be open for this year's national meet the way I understand it. 2013 only. But the good news is, the owners are working on a new piece of property that would allow a new track, lake for boats, etc. Let's hope that comes through. I understand the Tribes were too hard to deal with on this. Who knows though.

Wonder what will happen with Bondurant? He have to move too?

I read somewhere that Bondurant's lease was extended. No idea why they would do one without the other.

This thing looks mean! I like the build Rick, good job! Just saw this for the first time and read it all and I was excited to see what was going on!


This sucks to here.

Post it on Craigslist here in SF, there's always Sears Point..

That does suck. May want to back those valve springs down if it's going to sit for a long time. Then again send it my way just so I can blow the cob webs out the exhaust. Plenty of tracks around here. Don't want the rings to seize up.

come to michigan!
we have springport speedway and milan! haha
long drive i know, but bring your ex and we can go wheelin [:

Could be time to move Rick, to dam hot out there anyway. We still have a couple nice tracks around here. So.... I expect to see you in spring time. :D

No way Bob... Can't take those Chi-town winters anymore;)

Oh boy... I now have the registration and license plate in my possession for this car :burnout:

I'm going to make the state regret shutting down our race track... Hope they like the smell of 106 octane :D

Oh boy... I now have the registration and license plate in my possession for this car :burnout:

I'm going to make the state regret shutting down our race track... Hope they like the smell of 106 octane :D



I had to laugh when I saw the first three letters...:eek:

Check out the expiration on the tags... I bought the 5 year registration for a whole $96 :D


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I can see you now in the place of Burt Reynolds lol.
