Possible Big Bear rain, wind, landslides, ponds and rocks run with random pictures? | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible Big Bear rain, wind, landslides, ponds and rocks run with random pictures?

...boomer, what channel on the cb???

So does this mean that you're definitely coming, and if so did you get the radio problem solved?

...just bring a funnel...sounds like we will have plenty of fresh water...:D

...on my way to pep boys for some more stop leak... :rolleyes:

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...i can't confirm or deny anything at this moment...i will say i did steal my setup from the X and it's tuned...:D

Woo Hoo...

I hope that everybody is ready for this, especially since I'm not. I have this strange feeling that we"ll be talking about this one for awhile...

...for those that don't have it yet, my cell (760) 887-4010. So you can holla at me if there's a problem...

OK i se our fearless leader is all geared up:D

I heard it will not snow till sunday up there:rolleyes:

Yeah eventually, the guy that designed a metal radiator with plastic side tanks should be drug out into the street and beaten...:rolleyes:

This will be the second time that I've had to replace it. No worries though, I'll make it last through tomorrow.

I heard it will not snow till sunday up there:rolleyes:

...just rain, wind, landslides, ponds and rocks...snow would be just to much, lol..:D

im packed up and ready to go :thumbsup:

my friend justin's comming, but he's riding with me. guess he has a gasket leak on his big bronco.

exploderpilot, are you coming?

...just rain, wind, landslides, ponds and rocks...snow would be just to much, lol..:D

Yeah. Thus thread title is now a bit misleading, but I am sure it will still be "interesting" to say the very least. We should be prepared to clear fallen trees and other hazards from the trails.

Caltrans shows all highways still open and the temperature in Snow Valley is up to almost 34F, but winds are blowing steady over 20mph and gusting over 50mph here... and the storm hasn't even hit us yet :)

...it started misting down here at 6 pm...at 7:30 it started blowing rain and it's a cold one with the wind...brrrr

Ok, my dad is gonna go check out the forklift tomorrow, and we'll probably pick it up monday. So it will probably be me and my son. I don't know the routes in, so everybody pm me your phone numbers. Even you R.J., I lost the phone with your number in it.

...woohoo...the first emergency alert just sounded for all of ventura and l.a. county ...it's a flash flood warning but the voice said according to weather spotters and chp, flooding is already happening and this is not the burn areas that are flooding...:eek:

So does anybody know what my best route would be?

Depends on which way you wanna go? front door or the back door?

I have a nice heavy truck with a big footprint. But if it gets too sloppy, I will probably head home.

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hmmm loks like i wil make it about as far as Quartzsite AZ before i hit the rain and whatever else i will encounter in the desert:D
