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Thats it! I'm going to do it!


Active Member
October 24, 2000
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'95 Sport 4x4
I've decided that it is time that I stop just reading this board and actually go wheelin'. I'm going to plan on going to Tellico in April and seeing what this thing can do. I have a '95 Sport 4x4 with 3.73 L/S. First though I need to make it more trail worthy so here is what I'm planning:

Tires - 31x10.5 Goodyear MT/R - $650
Wheels - Undecided but basic and around $250
TT Lift & Warrior Shackles - $50
Hi-Lift Jack - $55
Remove Running Boards - Add Sliders - $??

It this a good start? Any suggestions from anyone? I have everything on the required Trail list so I'm covered there. Also, will a 31x10.5 fit in the spare tire carrier?

Tellico here I come (hopefully - still need to talk to the wife)! :p

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looks like I will be the last one to get to go.. :( but I look forward to getting into the swing of things in the near future..
after I learn to budget.. (ick) and get caught up from the holidays.. maybe some time this summer.. or next summer.. or..

The list looks good, just save the money on wheels and use the stock ones. That way you can spen that money on the rock sliders if you really want those. Yes take off the running boards. Good luck and have a great time!

Or, add a body lift in, and get 33's!

Yeh I'm still debating the tire thing. I'm running 30xx9.5 BFG LongTrails which aren't a bad tire but just not very aggressive off-road.

Has anyone made there own sliders? How hard is it to do?

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