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The Samurai


This is the 6.5k winch that we aimed for (mounting pattern and dimension). It will be installed once the vehicle is out in the west.
A GM alternator will also be swapped in to counter the winch's draw.


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Man that is a sick sammy wish i had the space time and equipment to do something like that.:confused:

Have any close up of the cam lock on the rear bumper? i need ideas for mounting it since i have to repair my bumper soon.:thumbsup:

We didnt go with a camlock design, we just used the run of the mill swingout bumper pivot that you can buy from E-bay (which is nothing more than a trailer axle with a machined sleeve you weld to).

As for the other side (the side that locks it in place), we used a toggle clamp with a safety lever.
The two "wedges" in the image below keep the bumper vertically aligned and takes any vertical load on the driver's side


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Well that's latch i am looking at getting for my rear bumper even tho i call it a cam lock
just gotta the best to mount it on my Dutch door style swingouts.

Started the GM alternator swap this afternoon.
Alternator is spec-ed for a 1983 2.5L Camaro, 94 amps -- 3 o'clock wiring position.

GM alternator on the left, Suzuki alternator on the right

Alternator brackets modified for the larger GM

So hopefully tomorrow all I have to do is the wiring mods.

Okay that 3 O-clock position of the alternator was going to make wiring a bit difficult so I rotated it to a 12 O-clock position. I used a small section of a bike's brake cable to ensure the brushes did not come out of their sockets (tape on the end so that I didnt poke my eye out during alignment).


My what a beautiful rug :p:

Okay that 3 O-clock position of the alternator was going to make wiring a bit difficult so I rotated it to a 12 O-clock position. I used a small section of a bike's brake cable to ensure the brushes did not come out of their sockets (tape on the end so that I didnt poke my eye out during alignment).


I also had to re-clock my alternator when I did that conversion on my Sammy. Made the fit a LOT better.

Sniff :(...I miss my Sammy...


I wired it up today and replaced the main alternator-battery wire with a 4-gauge wire to counter the more amps. Then I took it for an hour-long test drive around town and everything is good! I Also ended up getting an 1-inch longer engine belt.


Well success, this thing is now sitting in Cardiff by the Sea!

For the next few days, the clutch will be replaced since it was pretty much gone when it left the east coast.

Yeah -- remind him to take it easy though cauz it still needs:

- lower transfer case gears
- at least one locker (its open diffs now)
- and a winch

Ahaha thats true! Or your motorcycle :D

Update on this thing .. my brother's in the middle of painting it and other little cosmetic stuff. The paint is Rustoleum's Professional - Smoke Gray with a White roof - by the quart (maybe $14/quart) via a roller.


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