Truck Haven 2012 MLK Weekend Jan. 14-15 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven 2012 MLK Weekend Jan. 14-15

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So looks like I'll be able to make it out on Saturday atleast! Pretty pumped!

Yea Keeper, Looking forward to off roading with you again.

don't forget your, your neighbors, the old lady down the streets Christmas Trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't have one? GET ONE!!!

I seen 10 on my way home, everyone is throwing them out. After this weekend I'm just going to start filling the bed of the truck:D

Besides the trees don't forget regular firewood. January nights can get cold out there...

Of course we're pyros too:D


Looks like the red top in jp, finally died :mad:

It is 7 years old though : dunno:

don't forget your, your neighbors, the old lady down the streets Christmas Trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Got Ours!:D:thumbsup::thumbsup:


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may try this, but I think it may be down. I have a Battery Tender I leave the truck on most of the time. It gave me trouble last week when Keeper came over. It would crank a little but that was it. I could jump it off my portable battery jumper no problem. It's been on the charger a week, and still does the same thing.:(

I found a 3 month old yellow top on CL for under $100:D

Does anyone know where we will be camping at 86 side or the 111 side and where. I will bring Chicken Fajitas

we're camping in the usual spot. 86s turn on to Marina dr., once the pavement ends and on to the dirt make a right at the hill. we sold be just ahead on your right;)

I will be out Saturday morning. No Christmas trees from me but I already have some large pine and oak chunks loaded and ready to go.

I did.. none of my neighbors used live trees this year.. Whats the world coming too?


Practice run for loading the tree.


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Practice run for loading the tree.

LOL! There will not be very many needles me, that's how I use to get them there, years ago:thumbsup:
