Truck Haven 2012 MLK Weekend Jan. 14-15 | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven 2012 MLK Weekend Jan. 14-15

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Normally Truck Haven is left pretty clean. We'll let you know though.

Not gonna make it. Can you guys keep an eye out for the level of trash and or public dumping out there? Im looking for a 2nd or 3rd area besides Barstow to do a big cleanup in 2012.
I'm beginning to think your afraid of coming to a truckhaven run and that your going to repeat this on a Sunday easy run.. :mattmoon:


Damn it was a pretty clean truck at one time lollll...

Now it looks like this..


I like the "after" :D

Trees are wrapped, loaded and tied to the roofs.:D Both vehicles fueled and we are right on schedule for leaving in the morning. :thumbsup:


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I didn't want to say anything till I was 100% sure but,

I'M IN !!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

Cant wait to see you all, it's been waaaaaay too long. I'll be arriving saturday morning in time to hear the one and only Char's call for driver meeting. and staying till sunday. I'll be posting in potluck what I'll be bringing.

..I'm definitely out..:(

..Stuck working in San Diego for the weekend..

Bummer:( Gotta take the work when you can get it though:chug:

..I'm definitely out..:(

..Stuck working in San Diego for the weekend..

Bummer, Sorry To Hear That, but at least you're getting Paid.
Hopefully we can wheel together sometime in Big Bear.:thumbsup:
My Dad wants to meet you too.

We should be out between 6 and 8 pm Friday evening. There is a total of four RV's (mine, parents, two buddys) so save us some space please.

Wasn't last year the trip of the busted generators? I think every RV out there had a generator failure. Sure messed up movie night.

Wasn't last year the trip of the busted generators? I think every RV out there had a generator failure. Sure messed up movie night.

You aren't supposed to say those things! :hammer:

Provided a perfect excuse for a night run though.

Don't need no stinkn excuse. Do a night run and watch a movie then do a 2nd night run :)


Just a reminder.. Bring a CB.. It gets hard to figure out if we lost someone or to yell "STOP" without a CB. Even a hand held is better than nothing..


I will not be out till after dark sometime. but I picked up more x-mas trees:D

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You aren't supposed to say those things! :hammer:
My generator is running in tip top shape. New carburator, plugs.

Fakawee called me and said he is no bueno. Back is bothering him so he is staying home. Anyone want to swing by Carlsbad and pick up his contribution to the pot luck?
