Truck Haven on New Years Eve... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven on New Years Eve...


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I'm trying to get a few big dawgs together for a New Years run at Truck Haven Monday Dec. 30 - Thursday Jan. 2

Anyone want to play???

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Sorry Rick, Both the Explorer & MH are in the shop being work on. Will have to wait until the big run. Have fun though.

Will do, have fun in Tucson. I hope they get that MH figured out!

You guys that live a few hours from Truckhaven suck! :shoot: :fire: :frustrate :hammer: :banghead: :mattmoon: :roll: :fart: :thumbdwn:
LOL - have a good one.
Try not to produce any more rolled pics when ya go.

I know, we're spoiled:D So who else wants to join us??

John was just asking if I wanted to head out there before the Big run. I'll talk to him again and maybe we'll head out there for a couple days.

I don't want to see any :roll: though.

And yes, we are spoiled. :D

Originally posted by Jefe
John was just asking if I wanted to head out there before the Big run. I'll talk to him again and maybe we'll head out there for a couple days.

I don't want to see any :roll: though.

And yes, we are spoiled. :D

YES YES YES:thumbsup:

No ROLLS is right! Everyone needs to stay in one piece for the BIG run :D

Since I'm not much of a nite runner due to the fact of two thing's, 1. I do not have any light's to lite up the trail with at nite and 2. As Rick will agree, I usually fall asleep by that time LOL:eek: I have decided as part of my Christmas gift to myself, I am having light's install next week on the Ex. Two Hella 4,000 for the front and two (one on each side of the roof rack) Piaa 55. That should lite up the trail pretty good. Will find out in Jan. Now if I can just stay awake long enough:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Paul M Bredehoft
. . .Now if I can just stay awake long enough:rolleyes:

Thats easy Paul: Just don't get up so dang early the morning before :D

Looks like John and I are a go for at least the 30-31st, maybe the 1st.

I'm in! Got the last part needed to get rolling installed today.

Just got to fix the rear shock mounts, do some final welding, and first dirt! Woo hoo!

I'm considering heading down sunday morning (which means I'll get there sunday night) and do some driving up and down the washes to break-in the rear gears, which is needed before I can do any hard core stuff.


Originally posted by Jefe

...That's easy Paul, Just don't get up so dang early the morning before :D

I'm so use to getting up at 4 am to get ready for work that it's pretty hard to sleep in. Beside's while you & everyone else are still sleeping, I'll be out rideing my new Giant VT1 MT bike. I been waiting 3 month's for this bike to come in. It's Giant newest bike and I'm the first person in the U.S.A. to get it. I'm really looking forward to seeing how well it rides.

could you adopt me?:p

Jefe and I will be there! Scheduling was just too tight to allow us to join you for the Thanksgiving run. (Looks like we missed all of the excitement!) We will do our best to make this trip as boring as possible. :)

Hey Rick, where exactly is truck haven? being a newbie to the area and all i was trying to get an idea from Yuma as to how far away and stuff this place is, im in cause i will be on leave, "vacation" for three weeks when i get there. thanks man, mike

Mike, you're so close, you better be there! Get yourself some area maps. From Yuma, you'll go west on I-8 to El Centro, turn north on the 111 to Brawley, then the 86 north to T-haven. Check the 'Important' T-haven thread for a detailed map to camp.


You're going to be closer to Truckhaven than I am Mike!

Mapquest says it's 120 miles. I think that's closer than I am!

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