Truck Haven on New Years Eve... | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven on New Years Eve...

Originally posted by Johnstone

I'll cast the first vote for - NO. :nono:

I second that!


Trail Boss? :D


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Originally posted by FAKRWEE
John the advantage of having Bill as trail boss is seeing what line not to pick:D You just have to learn how to read him:eek:
I'll second that.
Plus it is always amusing to see which lines he will pick :D

Remember when I hit that boulder and flattened my tire and rim? I just pulled off my brake caliper today and guess what? I bent the slide pin bolts:eek:

After the rim got smacked it came around and nailed the caliper real good. I knew it had since I could see the scratches in the caliper, but I was suprised to find bent bolts :D


whats worse, the fact you bent the rim, or the fact that it was beat back straight and took what, 3months to figure that out?

The bent bolts didn't cause any problems. I was just cleaning everything up after our swim through the water in AZ. Front wheel bearings are next.
