sn0border88's SAS Thread | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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sn0border88's SAS Thread

WARNING: This swap will be longer than bmxking's :eek:

Thanks to tig for a real steal that I couldnt pass up ($50), it all started with a d44 from a 73' Bronco. This means its drum braked, coil sprung with LP housing complete hub to hub with r/a's.

But, its matching width. :D

Its in great shape as far as EB axles are concerned. It has 3.50's which upon inspection are in PERFECT condition. Not one chip on any of the ring gear teeth. Also the rust isnt too bad, its simply surface rust, nothing damaging. Also most of the bolts so far are coming off very well, only breaking a few. Not bad for 31 years of rust.

So far in the plans are yukon 4.88's with full spool or lincon locker. Disk brake conversion VIA junkyard or broncograveyard, rear XJ 8" lift leafs and heimjointed crossover. To complete the swap ill be getting new cromo shafts front and rear with a new 5on5.5 bolt pattern for the 8.8 and 4.88's with a detriot. Also rounding it out are some new rubbers, either 35" boggers or MT/R's on 5on5.5 steelies/beadlocked pending on the DD status upon completion of the project. And, if it is no longer a DD when I finish, the top is coming off. :eek: :thumbsup:

EDIT with final prices

Upon completion it now had a Fullwidth d44/9" with 36" TSL-SX, 5.13 gears spooled rear and many other goodies.

Gears D44/9" 5.13: $150 from PBB
D44 Master Install: $109.99 from PORC on pirate
9" Master Install: $89.99 from PORC on pirate
D44 Carrier: $60 Ebay
9" Spool: $129.99 from PORC on pirate
1976 f-150 Highpinion Drum Brake D44 : $85 from Junkyard
D44 Disk Brake Outers: $50 from Junkyard
1978 F-150 9": $50 from Junkyard
5 on 5.5 Rims: $20 from Junkyard
4 36x12.5x15 TSL-SX: $ 250 from Pragon Board
1 36x12.5x15 TSL Radial: $18 from Junkyard
Shocks: $100 from Jeff Daniels Jeeps
D44 Spring Perch: $20 Jeff Daniels Jeeps
U-Bolts (Custom) : $30 from local u-bolt shop
Brake Pads/Caliper: $31.77 National Auto
Leaf Spring Hardware: $48 Jeff Daniels Jeeps
Replacement A4LD: $65 Junkyard
Conversion U-Joint: $25 National Auto
Extend Brakelines: $73 from local brakeline shop
Steel: $56

Without what I paid those who helped, plus the gear installs I have about 1,500 into this.

Scrapping the TTB: PRICELESS


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Micah didnt get pulled back at all. We tossed a rope around the B pillar and pulled on it to get his wheels on something for a little traction and he drove out.

I dont think I ever lost traction, I just lost my sense of orientation. :D

Wow.. what are we gonna do with the two of you.. :D

Sounds like an east-coast roll cage party is in order :D

mudbug, I think I found a pic of what you were talkin about. Care to say any more about it?



Id build something like this on the axle tube, it wont limit flex like the straight bar style.

mudbug, I think I found a pic of what you were talkin about. Care to say any more about it?


this style works for trucks that dont have or use alot of rear travel, but for a general trail truck it will bind.

I was talking about a shackle/ single link design, im curious to see it in action.

I was talking about a shackle/ single link design, im curious to see it in action.

the shackle design has to be triangulated a little like my picture above or it wont work.

mudbug, I think I found a pic of what you were talkin about. Care to say any more about it?


thats pretty much it but have it go tho the shackle somehow,,,,noth the spring hanger....

BTW you couldent cut it right and back out?(the hole where you caught fire)?

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