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Truck Haven for Thanksgiving '07

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Sounds good, can you post the directions/GPS coords again if you have thenm.

I don't have the coordinates, and I can't seem to find that map I made before. If you're coming down the 86S make a right on to S22 and it will be on your right as you start to climb. I'll make another map when I find the pic.

I don't have the coordinates, and I can't seem to find that map I made before. If you're coming down the 86S make a right on to S22 and it will be on your right as you start to climb. I'll make another map when I find the pic.

Somewhere there is that pic that was taken from Jefe's plane of the spot mapped out on it:scratch:

Somewhere there is that pic that was taken from Jefe's plane of the spot mapped out on it:scratch:

That's what I was looking for. I think that was the thread that Rick accidentally deleted instead of a single post. I don't think I saved that pic either. I found the pic on Jefe's site, so I'm going to color code another map.

I think you have been in the Maybe column for just about every run in the last year.;)

Hey, I made it to Cleghorn twice over the summer:D:thumbsup:

Ok, I morphed the pics together and saved it this time.


Just got back from Buenos Aires, What a trip 20 hours.
Anyway is this the pic Collin?


  • CampingTH-TDS06.jpg
    102.4 KB · Views: 234

gps location is Lat N33 degrees 16.604'
Lon W116 degrees 3.064'

that should get you to the turn off up the hill.

This is still happening? been kinda quiet in here lately

of course it's still happening! i miss it every year!


I just went from a No way to a definatly posibility.. I'm a firm maybe leaning more towards Yes I'm going.. When do people get out there?


...a quick shout to maniak, thank you and i found the scorpion...i owe you big time and i appreciate it... back to your thread that is already in progress...:D

I have a trailer but nothing to pull it with.. So I'm going to be driving the X out again also.. I haven't been able to find a rental that I can tow with.


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my 84 e-150 (locked) van has been sitting for a while and I've started selling parts off it.. I sold the Offenhauser intake, and Holley carb. The aux fuel tank is going soon and so are the seats.. As much as I like the van when I rounded off the #6 lobe on the cam I figured it was time to retire it for good.

My '91 van was just for parts (I wanted the steering box)..

My chevy flatbed has a bad cam too (aparently its common on the chevy 350's). Thats what I was using ot tow the X to the crown king run back in april.. The Explorer ended up pulling the trailer home and AAA pulled the truck home. It was a 98 mile tow.. just got under the wire for my AAA plus membership tow.

I checked with truck rental places (budget etc) and if I return it to where I got it they want me to rent it "local" which means I pay for mileage. The enterprise vans (car rental ) don't have tow hitches so I don't think I can use them.

