Bad or Burnt Exhaust smell in cabin during hard acceleration. | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Has anyone heard of, found, or experienced a solution to the Ford Explorer exhaust issue?

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I mentioned this to my dealer, he said that all fords have this problem i.e. specs of oil spraying on the filter! I guess the problem is much worse with the Explorer hence the smell. They are currently looking at my filters and evaporator. Will let you know what they discover.
If that is the case, why aren't there more complaints about this issue? I have had mine almost a year now and no such issue.


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My 2012 XLT build date 11/23/2011 had the smell for about 500 miles. I live in AK and after delivery of the Ex we had the 5th coldest January on record, which means long idle times and heater on full blast most of the time. I guessed the smell was solvents evaporating out of the plastic heat ducts etc since it was worse after idling for a period. Then again, at -50, it takes quite a bit of throttle to make it move too... At any rate, just about the time I was going to take it in, it stopped doing it...
Are you kidding? How do you prepare for -50 temperatures, Akmechanic? :eek: I’m just glad you’re not an ice cube. :D

...I picked up the xlt today.

The service department said that, yes, oil was leaking from a tube onto the engine air filter and exhaust due to some kind of a problem with the valve cover.

It looks like Ford is working on a fix. Hope it's soon!

On an even better news front, the new upgraded "A" pillars really do work. Yay! The noises are gone...
I’m glad they figured it out, Dwr4door. Send a PM if you’d like any more details forwarded.

...They are currently looking at my filters and evaporator. Will let you know what they discover.

I still have your Explorer’s details so drop a line and I’ll be happy to forward your details to the Customer Service Manager in your area.


Although I have had zero problems with any type of burning smells, I am curious about this tube leaking oil on the air filter thing......

Can someone better explain where this "tube" is located or take a picture of what "tube" this is and where it is leaking onto what air filter???

Although I have had zero problems with any type of burning smells, I am curious about this tube leaking oil on the air filter thing......

Can someone better explain where this "tube" is located or take a picture of what "tube" this is and where it is leaking onto what air filter???

Is it some sort of PCV valve?

If this burning issue will not be fixed, I am getting rid of my explorer. I did not pay 40 some thousand dollars for this and all the other issues. I'm going to look into a jeep. Now that I know what to look for from this ford experience, hopefully I can find something that will make me happier than this explorer. I just see major problems down the road with ford really not caring.

Cory, after reading peanut0426's reply, why hasn't Ford fixed this already? Isn't Ford losing out on repeat customers because of this issue? I've given up on getting this fixed, that's why I haven't PM'ed you. It's like Ford technicians don't want to figure this out as it would be a major recall, I guess.

If this burning issue will not be fixed, I am getting rid of my explorer...
Cory, after reading peanut0426's reply, why hasn't Ford fixed this already?...
peanut0426 & Bonnie Lynn,

We’re working on a fix for this. I want your concern taken care of once and for all; I arranged a call, by the end of the day today, from the Customer Service Manager in your area.


Aha! So it isn't the car breaking-in so much as it is the car just breaking. Well, as long as it is fixed... no worries.

peanut0426 & Bonnie Lynn,
Thanks Cory,
I did receive a call. I'm bringing my ex in and we will see what happens.

We’re working on a fix for this. I want your concern taken care of once and for all; I arranged a call, by the end of the day today, from the Customer Service Manager in your area.


Thanks Cory,
I did receive a call. I'm bringing my ex in and we will see what happens.
You’re welcome, Peanut; I’m confident your dealer will take care of you. Let me know if you’d like any details forwarded before your next follow-up.


I mentioned this to my dealer, he said that all fords have this problem i.e. specs of oil spraying on the filter! I guess the problem is much worse with the Explorer hence the smell.

They are currently looking at my filters and evaporator. Will let you know what they discover.

Finally got my car back, they said they did not discover any problems or foreign matter in the air filters or evaporator. They cleaned the filter.

The smell has reduced greatly, however it still detectable.

I'm having this same problem. I don't have such a problem ignoring the "other" problems, but this one is just bad! Like I'm driving an old piece of junk and it only has 1900 miles on it!



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Hehehehe.....JCat! That's about right! On a $52,800 vehicle!

How do you read that? I clicked on the link and it looks foreign to me.

So are you saying that they don't read Cyrillic in West Texas? :)

Did you try a Russian to English translation website?

I just ran that link through Google Translate, and the resulting translation is a funny read.

Google chrome automatically asked me if I wanted to translate it to english

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