Dana 60 being installed under my 91 | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dana 60 being installed under my 91

Progress has finally begun.
The Dana 60 is completed and ready for installation.

Here is the scoop.

I had a local shop put together a reverse cut Dana 60 with 5:13 Gears and an ARB. I am sticking with the ARB because I like it and my TTB had an ARB in it, so all the plumbing is there. The 60 has a center section from a 80s F-350. The Tubes are from something he had around the shop. The Axels are 35spline and cut to fit my application. I put in my order about 6 months ago. Due to him being a friend and letting him get parts as they became available, it took some time. I was not in any rush as I appreciate the work and cost involved if I were to have purchased it elsewhere.
Anyway, the axel is in and I almost completed the teardown. Let me say this. Half of the brackets and components under the front of my EX were either brocken or bent really bad. I had no idea it was such a mess under there. I am so glag the POS is out of there.

FST is going to build my front end. When completed it will have a 4 link and Coil Overs. The rear will be the 8.8 with 5:13s and a E-Locker. I will get springs to match the front end. I will be running 37 or 38 inch Boggers on 15 inch bead locks.

I forgot my camera I will have pictures next time around.

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Premier, I have provided the axels and I do all the busy work labor wise. Cutting, scraping, grinding etc. They have purchased all the raw material. Coil overs, heims, all the bar etc. It is there design.
James T, I am not sure, its stock except for the locker and gears.

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May I ask how much the total will be? This is the route I would like to eventually go.

Around 6K

Not too bad. I should have saved 2k more and done mine instead of the superlift lol :(

If I was smart about it, that is exactly what I would have done :banghead:
I recomend to everyone to just save a bit more and do a solid axle conversion


Any updates?

I have been cutting fenders, removing sheet metal and moving engine components around to make way for these tires. I will take some pictures tonight.

Trimmed fender...


Pepper had just started working on the track bar mount when I left yesterday.

Now thats what im talking about. :D

is there gonna be coil overs or just a standard spring/shock setup?

Looks like full stuff is still gonna rub!

I see tube fenders in the future.

More pix! More pix!!

Trac bar bracket pic= shows me just how much i cannot weld. :p

I will have Rick post picture of the trimming I did to the battery tray and associated metal. It has been removed all the way back to the fire wall. So believe it or not the tires will tuck into the fenders. The axle axtually tops out at the frame. I will build a battery box and weld it to the coil over shock towers. I plan on running dual bats.
They started my cross over steering and took measurements for the shocks. I plan on getting the rear installed next weekend.

Ahh, I remember seeing mine in that state...Boy did it feel good :D Then it gets boxed in and painted and you know it is time to wheel it ;)


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Where is it that you all are finding Dana 60's cheaper than 9 inches... ?


Gang Green,
Arizona Differential, Talk to Nate, Mention my name.

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is it done yet?

