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My Explorer build.

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Well things went for a turn. Still have a 2nd Gen explorer but it was something I could not pass up. I was able to get a 98 4.0 5 speed Sport. Bright red.
New  98 2.jpg

Here she is in Front of the house. Body is in great shape and interior is in great shape also. Yes no rear axle but I have one for it. This is gonna be my new trail rig. Can't wait to get her off the trailer and get her up and on the road again. This one is mine and this one is my daughters.
Kylies 97.jpg

My Daughter is super excited that Dad and Daughter have sports. It will be fun.

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Question my 98 is a 4.0 5 speed. Would it make a difference if I used the axle out of my 97 5.0 to put in my 98? I know the 98 had the ABS hook up in the axle. Just wondering cause it is a 5 speed will it matter seeing as how the Speed sensor will not help with shifting.

Thanks in advance all.

Sorry, you have to use a 98-01 rear for the 98 Sport. The ABS sensor is for both the ABS, and the PCM/speedometer/trans. The 97 and older have the speed sensor in the trans/TC.

OK I know I will not have a Speedometer but what does the PCM need it for? Just trying to figure things out. It is a 5 speed standard. So no needing speed sensor to shift the trans. Does the PCm need it for something else? other then Speedometer?

The ABS signal goes into the ABS module beginning in 1998. The ABS module sends out(conditions the ABS signal) a speedometer signal, to the speedometer, and PCM(for the automatics). So yes in theory you may only be without a speedometer and ABS, but the PCM may(likely) produce an error code for the missing signal. You could deal with the speedometer with an earlier trans(or TC). But I think the CEL will be an issue, it may be involved in the engine programming. I'd ask that of a tuner who has worked with the 98-01 Explorer computers. The manual trans may make it a non-issue.

Thank you sir. Helped a lot. I might just for getting her going get my 97 axle in her and then later on getting a 98 or newer rear axle for her. Till then use Phone for speed to not get a ticket LOL

The 98 V8 rear does have the extra strut mounts, if you wanted to swap to a V8 later. But that's minor too. Have fun with those trucks, you might be able to learn your daughter a lot about doing and checking normal maintenance stuff. That's valuable for anyone to learn, tons of money can be saved over a lifetime.

Oh Yes I will be and have been teaching her about maint on vehicle. She will not be one of those ladies. :) She will know how to change a tire, Oil and plugs at a minimum.

You might be able to just stick a 98 up sensor in there. Also, some 97's are already equipped with the rear sensor as needed. Check to see if the 97 has any sensors at all on the transfer case. If there is no speed sensor on the 97 transmission output shaft ( trasfer case output) then you are good to go.

You might be able to just stick a 98 up sensor in there. Also, some 97's are already equipped with the rear sensor as needed. Check to see if the 97 has any sensors at all on the transfer case. If there is no speed sensor on the 97 transmission output shaft ( trasfer case output) then you are good to go.

I had read somewhere from a 97 owner that they didn't have a VSS in their transmission/TC, I wondered if that also began in late 97. It seems the more we find out online, Ford changed a ton of things in the 1997 model run, and not all at once.

There is no actual difference in any 8.8 disc brake axle for the explorers, that matter for what your doing. The 8.8 variations in the disc versions are in other vehicles, such as Rangers or F-150's only.

97 will be plug n play for your 98, the dif ABS/VSS sensors are all the same as far as I know of. They all use the same internal tone ring for the sensor, and it sends the pulse signal to the pooter. I put a 98 in a 95, and a 97 in a 94. ;)

Like Don said, the 5.0 8.8 has external brackets for support bars, but has no bearing on what your wanting to do.

Axles are cheap enough I’d just run the right one.

New  98 4.jpg

No She is not unloaded off of the trailer. Hopefully next weekend she will be. But here is a Pic of the front end. :)

Is that front fender flare a large(sticks out like the back) kind, or slim? The bigger ones have clips behind the which go into holes in the fenders, like the other truck you have.

I bought the slim kind for my front, which use just screws into the edge of the fenders. My 17" wheels will stick out a little more than I'd like, and will need the flares.

Yeah those are the large ones. I am debating taking them off or keeping them on there. All the clips are on the Passenger side still. Right now just not sure I wanna keep them on there. Once I get her off the trailer and on the ground I will ***** the situation. (Gees listen to me all military like LOL) I know I want to possibly have spacers for the bigger tires. Just not sure if I wanna keep the flares. It does look nice with the flares but also looks good with out them. :) We will see

I also like those big ones, when I got my 99 I found out the 99-01's have a different version. I prefer those of the 95-98's, they are smooth/rounded, while the 99-01's have a sharp ridge at the edge. You'll appreciate the wider stance once you get some bigger wheels and tires. The back wheels don't stick out enough compared to the fronts I think.

Well I crawledish under my 97 explorer and her rear axle has the ABS sensor back there. I am golden for moving the axle from the 97 to the 98 :) That made me pretty happy. No to just get the 2 stopped for a weekend to get the work done. This weekend got other things that I have to do and next weekend gonna take the 97 out for one more trip before she goes under the knife.

Well I pulled my daughters Sport out of hiding now to get hers running and her to get her license. Her mom will be taking her out to drive a bit once we get her running and headlights fixed. Here are they together.
Mine and my daughter Sports.jpg
Will be starting to tear the axles and what have you out of my 97 and get them into the 98 first week of August. Yes mine is still on the trailer. A lot easier to move her that way right now. I will be getting rid of the Tupperware. I think she will look better. Just my opinion.

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For a minute there, I thought the 97' was pulling the red one on the trailer!

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