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Jefe's SAS

Everyone else has a SAS thread in here, so I figured that instead of being jealous, I'd just start my own :)

I've been planning this for a few months now, and the parts are now starting to collect.

The plan is to buy a TJ D30 front axle to use for sizing and testing purposes, and replace it with a custom HP D44 with a bunch of goodies as the project nears completion.

I will be using Rubicon Express TJ long arms. These are 36" long, and convert the TJ 4 link to a radius arm design. 36" back from the front axle lands the rear mounts right where the torsion bar currently mounts, and the TJ and Ex frame are the same width at that location, so it should make for a great bracket location.

I plan to run 2" remote res. coilovers. I won't decide how much travel they need until I've got the axle temp'd under and see amount of flex, ride height, etc. No point in shoving a 14" travel C/O WAY up into the engine bay if its not going to do me any more good than a 10" or a 12".

I will convert the steering pump and gearbox over to a 1st gen explorer setup. I am hoping that the TJ track bar and steering will work, but will have that custom made if it doesn't.

I'm hoping for about 6" of lift, but may have to settle for more depending on a few things. I'll do a SOA conversion in the rear, along with custom leaves to match front ride height. I will be taking out the 3" BL as one of the first steps.

I plan to start actual work on the project about halfway into April.

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20" of wheel travel in the rear good enough? :)




Now I just gotta get the solid axle front to match.

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:eek: Looks awesome! Let's hurry and get the front going, okay? :D

Sweet Man! Like Section said pop that front in there and get some pics asap :eek:

Yea, that looks pretty damn good to me. Get the front done!

What's that tow ball doing on your bumper? You pulling a goose neck with that thing? :D

Originally posted by section525
What's that tow ball doing on your bumper? You pulling a goose neck with that thing? :D
LOL. . .well it used to be useful. . .back when I had 31's :)

Looks Good!

Are you worried about axle wrap with the spring over setup for the rear?

I just did mine like that and I am a little concerned. Thinking about adding a telescoping track bar that Sky Jacker makes for Heeps to the top of the axle.

I run 35s with the SOA and have had no axle wrap problems at all, unless I really get on it on the rocks and start bouncing, but a track bar isn't going to keep anything from breaking when I do that anyways.

im getting fierce axle wrap with SOA. im building a bar liek this - hopefully this weekend.


I'm getting fierce axle wrap also, busted U-joints and yokes from it, and I've bent leaf springs. Time for a traction bar or a four link setup.

Originally posted by Rick
I'm getting fierce axle wrap also, busted U-joints and yokes from it, and I've bent leaf springs. Time for a traction bar or a four link setup.
Sounds like a bunch of lead foots to me. :D


maybe I am not hard enough on the rear end.... Been SOA for a year no problems yet. We shall see though with the 4.88s and 35s.

Lookin' great Jefe!

The zuk has problems with spring wrap too.. The YJ springs it uses are considered really soft.

To help combat it, I built a special pack - combine sorta like the ranger spring hack. Since then I built the 6leaf pack, I haven't had a problem that I know of yet.

I just got 5:13's with 35's.

Can't get a 4:88 for the reverse rotation Dana 35.

I'm very concerned with axle wrap, especially with how fatigued my stock leaves are. I have yet to really check it out. Once I get the front where I want it after the testing, I want to get a custom leaf pack built with the lift to match the front. Once thats done we'll see how bad the axle wrap is.

Jefe, my leaves are also very fatigued. With the Warrior shackles and an addaleaf, I still had lost all lift.

I pulled the leafs off of a mid-80's F150. The second-longest spring in the F150 pack fits under my main leaf perfectly just short of the eyelets and supports it again back to the original curve and height. I also removed my little addaleaf and used the short F150 leaf in place of my original short leaf.

Yes, it rides like a truck. But I got my lift back and some badly-needed assistance for my main leaf, all for $50.

Body lift is out. Its incredible how much better my truck looks now. . .got so used to the frame showing and the rock sliders 3" under the rocker panels. The Atlas fits fine; no mods to the body, or tranny mount like AA warns.

Pictures in the morning (Too dark out right now :p ).

Originally posted by GJarrett
Jefe, my leaves are also very fatigued. With the Warrior shackles and an addaleaf, I still had lost all lift.
Thats where I'm at right now too (or was before the SOA). I just tell everyone I've got an experimental set of inverted 'W' springs :D

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