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2002 Sport Trac SAS

I dont think it is that big. Plus after riding with Brad my next set of wheels are gonna be 31" pro comp A/T's.

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No atlas for me. I do not offroad my rig enough to justify the expense. So I have a new 1354 coming instead. However if I come across an atlas for sale I may buy it. But we have several other plans for our house that require more money. Gonna make an outdoor kitchen, pergola, new stamped patio, etc...

Best looking sport trac i've seen by far. do you have any comparison shots next to a stock ST? i can't quite comprehend how tall your rig actually is

HMM something like this ??? :)


That is likely/hopefully going to be the replacement for my Sport Trac. And then I need a white RZR in the bed.

I dunno if RZR will fit in the bed? On my short bed superduty it did with tailgate down, but that was everything it had to fit. These beds are even shorter. So I dont think it will. :( Do u want RZR S id assume, well worth lil extra $ over regualr one..

Chad when are you planning on selling your Trac ????? How much ??

That's one beautiful truck! My truck is the total opposite of yours. I have an LT setup for desert trips and the only thing they have in common is that they are white and 4wd.

That's one beautiful truck! My truck is the total opposite of yours. I have an LT setup for desert trips and the only thing they have in common is that they are white and 4wd.

Don't lie Demo... yours is only 2wd right now!! :D I can't wait any longer to get my new front axles.

OP, Nice truck! I'm jealous of your gears and lockers. I need to regear mine and get a detroit in the back. Keep up the good work.

Shhhhhh!! It's not my fault I'm 2wd. Have you heard anything from Aaron?

haha... I was told 3 weeks, 3 weeks ago!!! :( FML

Any updates?!

quick question around how did you spend on the project?
i have an 03 sport trac and want to do this to it.

Hey chad, I'm looking to convert my 2 wheel drive sport trac to a straight axle 4x4 and I was curious if this is what you did or if you started with a 4x4 and just added the straight axle parts. I'm running short on info about transfer cases and weather I can bolt one to my trans or if I have to buy another trans with 4x4 set up... Paint_it_wet@hotmail.com any info would be great!

trollin, he started with 4wd. You will not be able to bolt t-case to your 2wd transmission. You will need a 4wd's tranny and then a Tcase.

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If I change my trans I will need 4wd trans computer too I'm guessing? Thanks for the info.
