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GWNF Run: Early-Mid December 2011

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I always thought that with these transmissions they would vent extra fluid if they were overfilled. did it ever seem to leak fluid?

That's what I thought(electrician) posted something to that effect in his trans buildup thread
But no never had a drop on it that's got me confused because I've been watching for anything ever since rebuild....
And like I said the slipping is all but gone.. maybe once in 100 mi all stop and go(1/2 gears affected)it was slipping at least 50% of the time...
I don't break 3,000 accelerating it slips between 2,200 and 3000.. if I kept under 2,000 it wasn't noticable...

I know at least a half qt came out plus my qt...

Had stopped pouring but was still spitting atf(from being running) when I plugged it back

weird. well hopefully they don't mess it up again in the shop :D

He's "the" guy my grandpa uses (owns 25+ cars+3buisnesses)---Northern Neck Transmission..
So he backs it pretty good but it had to be returned by my grandma....why you may ask...he didn't tighten the pan bolts all up and it was leaking.... WTF!!!(past march)
Since then not a drop
Edit- all started after last beach trip I towed my lil trailer. (never on beach)Maybe 1000 lbs loaded
Did do a lil "fording" in some DEEP water(covers 33"s)

I'm installing my deep pan this weekend and changing the filter. While I am in there I plan on swapping in a new solenoid block to see if it fixes some minor issues I have been having. Also going to drain and fill the tcase.

If I have time before the trip I'm going to make and and install some smaller strut spacers to get some more downtravel out of my struts. I think this run will be a good test to see if it helps. If it works out then I'll be selling my BTF spacers.

Along with that I'll probably be extending my swaybar links as well as installing some new swaybar bushings with greasable fittings if the energy suspension ones are the right size.

I've also got a leaky front passenger side axle seal that I need to get to.

Edit- all started after last beach trip I towed my lil trailer. (never on beach)Maybe 1000 lbs loaded
Did do a lil "fording" in some DEEP water(covers 33"s)

I'd like to see your ideas on hooking the airbox up to the fenderwell...I might do the same thing and sell my KKM.

I'd like to see your ideas on hooking the airbox up to the fenderwell...I might do the same thing and sell my KKM.

I'll take lots of pics Idk if it'll be done before our trip but it should work out so the air box comes out as it did before and slip back together
It would be a great project for next weekend;)

wish i could afford to go to this, but for just a one day trip its too far and cost two much for me to go.i know me and Will have been talking about maybe one later on after dec sometime.cant wait to see pics ;)

that should be around $80 each(damn your premium gas!!). damn you jd. i wasnt expecting this outcome lol

Hhahaha ;) this is on a Sunday now ain't it?why not do a two day again?wish it was on a sat,i work Sundays;(

Hhahaha ;) this is on a Sunday now ain't it?why not do a two day again?wish it was on a sat,i work Sundays;(

Hunting season...

I'd have to ok it with wifey(not that she would say no) but jd and Xeek could crash at my place sat night to make it leave here at 6:45 instead of having to leave at 4:45 and drive four+ hours to drive trails all day..
Just thought id offer its up to yall I have a 5 bedroom so there's plenty of space and shaggy is welcome also lol.

ok so I'm almost positive it was OVER filled since I pulled the torx screw let a quart almost come out before I started it and attempted to add a quart and after adding that quart I pulled the tube and that quart came back out too.... Slipping seems to have stopped since I checked fluid levels... Feels strong but I'm concerned if it was damaged by being over filled for 10 k.mi.
Also how do I replicate the issue if removing that quart more or less did it...(still want it looked through)

Well after swapping my solenoid pack out today I might have some thoughts.

First off, that deep pan is going to require pulling the y-pipe to if you picked one up then have them install it when your trans is out of the truck. It doesn't look too hard but I didn't feel like going through that today so I'm going to wait and do it when I put in my modified servos in the spring.

Anyway since I re-used the OEM pan, I discovered the the fluid can be at the perfect level when the truck is running and set in P but when the truck is turned off, fluid will run out.

Apparently the fluid level is correct when you get only little drops when the fill port is open and the engine is running with the trans in P (fluid needs to be 120 degrees or higher). When you get to that level then you put the plug in with it running so you don't lose fluid.

And hopefully JD and Xeek can make it...I wanna see that power house thing in JD's truck!

It's sweet I can attest...
So I checked my front diff fluid because I've noticed the yoke is leaking a few drops a day and its WHITE...
apparently water got in there so instead of topping it off I'm taking the cover off and draining it.. PITA
Damn you water... I'm goin with it happened at the beach

Not how I had my Sunday planned but better me find it than trans guy
And manual does state if driving through water deeper than center of wheels change diff fluid asap

Everything looks good no wear shavings debris etc... We good to go!

It's sweet I can attest...
So I checked my front diff fluid because I've noticed the yoke is leaking a few drops a day and its WHITE...
apparently water got in there so instead of topping it off I'm taking the cover off and draining it.. PITA
Damn you water... I'm goin with it happened at the beach

I'd like to think that the axle seals aren't so loose that they let in water when the diff gets submerged. Must have gotten in from the top of the breather hose when you went in that deep one. Wouldn't be hard to extend that hose up higher to the engine bay. if yours is like mine its clipped right under the driver's side UCA on the rear part.

2 more weeks :thumbsup::thumbsup: Just need to do that axle seal this week and next weekend going to help DominicanX put in his new TCase.

Definitely Extend your breather hoses!!! All of them. My Rear axle hose is extended into the gas filler cap area. My T-case, front Diff, and transmission lines all run into the engine bay.

Plus as you all saw, have a snorkel for the air box. Waterproofing was high on my list of mods, as i like submerging my truck. I even waterproofed the winch contacts with dialectric grease and then silocon sealer; along with moving the control box under the hood.

Can't wait for this trip!

Any on have the coordinates for Coal Road where we met last time?

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