KC Area gathering location and date | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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KC Area gathering location and date

Where do we want to meet? Dan is buying!!!

  • Oklahoma Joe's

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Arthur Bryant's

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Gates & Sons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hawards

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care I just want to eat BBQ

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Riblets at BK

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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I would prefer a Sunday-- but any day but the 2 or 3rd of Oct i fine with me I'm going to Disney OK- wheelin. If the truck doesn't blow up in CO.

If you guys can get a date set in stone by August I can request it off in time to get the guaranteed day off. I'd assume there will be mass picture taking at this event as well?

I voted for Arthur Brytan's. :D


Ill need to check my schedule and see which weekends I have free but I am game for some BBQ wherever.

Lets do this, I'm hungry.

Any of the October dates would work for me. As far as where we eat, I don't really mind. Look forward to meeting everyone in the area!

If the gathering is on a Sunday, Elessar65 and I will be able to join!

So is it decided? When, where yet?

I don't think a decision has been made yet. Late Saturday night would work for us as well...

If it is ok I would like to throw some ideas out there for ponderin'

How about the Zoo? Shawnee Mission Park? Inland cave shenanegins?

Somewhere we can get interesting photos and actually do something instead of sitting around? BBQ first of course

Inland cave shenanigans??? Tell me more please.

Inland cave shenanigans??? Tell me more please.

There pretty hard to find as most are closed off or turned into underground storage, I do know of one but lets just say I'm not interested in going back.

If it is ok I would like to throw some ideas out there for ponderin'

How about the Zoo? Shawnee Mission Park? Inland cave shenanegins?

Somewhere we can get interesting photos and actually do something instead of sitting around? BBQ first of course

You'd better check with mark as you'll probably be riding with him :p::D

The zoo sucks. You walk your ass off to see nothing and then worry if you're going to be shot or jacked whan you leave.

I have lots of gats and shoot back! The walking and walking stuff is what bothers me.

I really liked Arthur Bryants at the Ameristar. Cool place if you've never been in there. No trouble with age stuff and kids can even go in to the restaurant section. A little bit of a walk but I think I will do ok with enough head start. There are also drinking places if'n folks want other than the beer AB's serve, afterwards. Lots of parking for the trucks. Might see if I can borrow a RTI ramp for pic's.

Last time I was at AB's at the speedway we stood in line fer 1/2 an hour and parking was difficult to get just a few trucks together. And I'm told the Original AB's is really bad for parking.

But the stuff outside will depend on the weather. I might go to Cabellas. With the long drive up and back not sure I will be up for much more than a BBQ gtg and a trip to Cabellas.

The original has a lot of parking and is fenced it but it can be a little hard to find. I think the Ameristar location is the best bet as well. No pun intended :D

The original has a lot of parking and is fenced it but it can be a little hard to find. I think the Ameristar location is the best bet as well. No pun intended :D

Not vying fer either, but the OG location is the shznito bahn snap snap pop. Best food and service. That said, I'm down for trying the casino locall. My friend has a really bad experience at the legends though.

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Not vying fer either, but the OG location is the shznito bahn snap snap pop. Best food and service. That said, I'm down for trying the casino locall. My friend has a really bad experience at the legends though.

The last time I ate at the one on Brooklyn (bout 2 years ago) all they had was the original sauce which I hate. The Ameristar & Speedway have 3 or 4 different sauces.
