Moab 2007 May 19-20 Chat Thread | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab 2007 May 19-20 Chat Thread

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I keep reading about it, it doesn't sound to far from Moab.

Their site said it's about 13 miles away. I always thought it was farther away than that, but thats not too bad.

I'll be arriving on Thursday evening with the Fakrwee II.:burnout: I'm up for a scenic trail on Friday to warm up.

Gerald count me in for the dino tracks.:D

Tom, how 'bout wearing hiking boots the WHOLE time you are on the trail this time, huh?? I'd like to get to know you on this trip, since you left a little early on the 'Con trip. :D :D

Maybe a better statement is to say Hell's Gate is one of the most FAMOUS obstacles in Moab.

Jefe's rig can attest to picking the right line, however. Just ask his passenger side mirror.:)

i stand is one of the most talked about obs in Moab and thus has gained a reputation of least from what i've heard

:mad: I just found out, that I can't get off work to go to Moab. Everybody have fun, and I will see you next year.:(

Have any runs been decided on besides Gerald's run to TOTW?

Hey 410 so is that going to be a Friday thing?

You tell me, I just found out about this place a few months ago and thought it would be worth a trip.
If you guys want to head up there then for sure

Tom, how 'bout wearing hiking boots the WHOLE time you are on the trail this time, huh?? I'd like to get to know you on this trip, since you left a little early on the 'Con trip. :D :D

I learned my lesson. I don't leave home without them.:D AND keep them on ALL the time:eek: It'll be great seeing you and Gerald. I don't know if you know or not but I rolled the Navajo 3 weeks ago. It's in the shop and hopefully ready for Moab:p: With or without it we're going. :thumbsup:

I have signed up. I will be a newbie to Moab. Now I just need to get all the required items together and find places to mount/secure thjem in my Sport Trac.
Looks like my next mod will be the rear locker.

The dark side of the force is out to get me. I am so excited for Moab, but things keep getting in the way. My Explorer is still in pieces from the tranny swap and not going together very quickly, work is piling up, moving to a new house is taking what time is left after work, not leaving much time for the Explorer's lack of a front driveline, adequate cooling for both engine and tranny, and somewhere in there I wanted to try to do a lift. Plus I cracked the windshield and someone broke out my side window, my battery bit the dust. Think I can get all that done? Not likely in a little over a month, but if I sacrifice a few things, maybe. Now I find out on of my best friends decided it would be a good week for a wedding. So, Friday is definately out for me with the wedding. I am still trying to get the Explorer ready for Saturday and Sunday. How many are planning on staying Monday? If there are still a few around, I'll take that day (and maybe Tuesday) off and stay late instead of come early.

Here's the current attendee list. If you're on there and can't make it, let me know.

MoabB2 - 4
Jefe - 4
Spas - Ride Along
Dignan - 3+
Brother of Jefe - 4
McIncak - 4
offroader_69_me - 4
mrboyle - 3.5
Gjarrett - 3-4
Becker69 - 3+
Joey Jarhead - 2
DB_1 - 4
410Fortune - 3.5
928sport - 3.5
Msupertek - 4
tilt168 - 3
67truckguy - 3.5
Brian1 - 1-3
goliath - 4
Chad551 - 2
FlyBoyCoe - 3
mountaineergreen - 3

weak im not a 3?

When I add my rear locker then do I move up in rating? I saw pics of stock vehicles going to Top of the World. I am doing that trail.

rear locker = more capable for sure.
Top of the world is alot of fun in a stock rig

My girl is now coming with me so I have a co pilot!!! Hell yes

rear locker = more capable for sure.
Top of the world is alot of fun in a stock rig

My girl is now coming with me so I have a co pilot!!! Hell yes

Well I am going to get the rear locker. And I figured since my ST sits at least 8" taller than a stock vehicle, top of the world would be an easy trail.

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Lockers help a TON, I have done many trails with open diffs though. Including Top of the world.

In most cases the traction in Moab is really good. If you have a chance to put in the locker though, do it, it can only help. If not you should be fine too.

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