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Section525 - D44 2nd gen. leaves SAS

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Well since I have the axle in-hand finally... I guess I can start my thread.

I bought this axle about a month ago from a guy in OR and finally made it around to picking it up yesterday. I watched as he actually took the axle out from under the truck. It's pretty clean.

1983 Jeep Wagoneer LP D44

The plans:
Rubicon Express leaf springs (unless someone suggests otherwise)

Then SOA the rear, add a locker, and 5x4.5 to 6x5.5 adapters (I heard they make them). So far I am thinking about going 35/36s BFGs or IROKs.

So.... any suggestions?


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DB_1 said:
I cut 2" of each end of my overload springs and it seemed to help a little bit but the main reason I cut them was that they would swing out into my tire under heavy flexing. You might try that before anything else, it certainly can't hurt ;)

I'll give it a whirl. :thumbsup:

So I was browsing FROADER's Myspace page, and under his photos is a picture I took of him and B2Dude strapping Josh S. up a hill. 410Fortune commented on this photo about how having low settings on his adjustable shocks sucked on the highway. Hmmm.. I thought. I wonder what my Tom Davis shocks are set at? Yup. Softest. I firmed them up as stiff as they go and drove to Target on the highway. Much better.

So thank you Colin, Phil, Josh, and Jamie. :D

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I installed my 2 degree shims today and found out the rear shocks were severely limiting flex. With the shocks mounted to the upper sway bar mount, and the axle at full droop, I then removed the shocks and the axle dropped about three more inches! :eek: So now I'm looking forward to ramping it with no shocks installed. I think it can go a little higher. :cool:


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Awesome! So what shocks you gonna go with?

I'm not 100% sure now. I was going to go with the Fox super-bling shocks. But I really like being able to adjust the ride like I can on these Pro Comp MX6's. The firmest setting rides so much better on the highway than the softest.

So, I don't know if a Fox shock would handle as good on the road. It's not like it's a daily driver, but I would like to feel safe driving it to the Rubicon and whatnot. What do you think Dave?

Fox's are nice, but they may require some tuning to get them to ride the way you want...or you may get lucky and they may be valved just right from the get go.
Since you like the MX-6's already i'd say slam a set of those in there and call it good and save some cash :thumbsup:
It's your money though so suprise us :D

To beat those junk mx-6's I gave you, your going to have to get a gas charged shock that you can get re-valved..

MX-6's for the back would then give you the ability to firm it up for road trips, and soften it up for offroading, and they are a better shock than the Rancho adjustables.

For some reason I drilled 9/16" holes in my shock hoops, which only required 1/2" holes. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So I was thinking of a way to fix it. I thought about welding plates over the plates. But I said fudge it and grinded the old plates off and re-did them. I'm trying to stay away from the ghetto-fab as much as I can. :D

So the driver's side is all good again. It was making a horrible clunking sound while going over small bumps in the road. Now I get to do the quieter passenger side. :thumbsup:

Other than that.. all quiet on this project. :(


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This is a long thread.


Thanks dude.

So, is it important to replace a hard mounted crossmember with another hard mounted crossmember? Such as our tranny crossmembers. I noticed a lot of people use a bushing setup there (or even in the front). But if all the crossmembers were hard mounted stock, why would they need bushings now? Or does it not really matter and it's just a bling factor?

Here is what I am working with. :rolleyes: Don't ask me how.

Measure twice, cut once.


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section525 said:
Here is what I am working with. :rolleyes: Don't ask me how.

Measure twice, cut once.

i thought you fixed that

That was the driver's side. This is the pass. :D

get a bigger bolt?

Bigger bolts won't work for the shock bushings! :p

Ran out of wire. Had to run to the Home Depot. :( Sunday night.. nothing else was open. We'll see how Lincoln Electric wire does I guess.

Think I'm going to change wire brands! :p :cool:


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section525 said:
Think I'm going to change wire brands! :p :cool:

Are you a lefty? wow those welds are looking pretty good, you sure they penetrated well too? What brand wire did you switch to/from? what model welder do you have as well?

I was pulling. I ran two rolls of the Hobart .030 wire through it. This stuff was Lincoln Electric.

I'm using a HH180. :cool:

Ordered my front and rear 4.88s yesterday and got them today. :cool: Front locker should come UPS tomorrow. :cool: :cool: It's getting closer to the end! :p:


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B2Dude knows a guy in Sac who will be installing the gears (the guy did B2's front axle a few weeks ago). So it's just a matter of me removing the axles and getting them down there. Maybe this weekend.. maybe not. Should be done by November though.

When I pull the axles out I'll get back to work on the frame and junk. I need to clean off what's left of the old crossmembers etc. I need to sleeve the holes through the frame for the steering box. Build a new tranny crossmember and probably re-do the rear shackle hangers (for the front). So Hopefully by first snowfall I'll have a wheelable Explorer again.

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