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JoshC's SAS #2

I guess i'll follow the trend like so many others on here. D44, 9" full width. I picked these axles up late last year or early this year i don't remember and they've been in the garage taking up space. I've been gathering parts for a little while too.

So far i've got:
-Yukon 5.13's
-Quick Loc locker for the D44
-Full steel spool for the 9"
-Radius arms drilled and tapped to fit the lower ranger coil bucket so i can keep my existing coils
-New ubolts for the leafs

I think that's about all i've got. The 9" third member is done, we regearded it a couple of weeks ago. We started on the 44 and quickly noticed that the idiot at the local off road shop, which is no longer in business, sold me a low pinion gear set :mad: So now i'm stuck with this gear i can't even use :fire:

Here's what i got done last night and today


I'm head up to the shop tonight to swap my tires over to my new rims. I think i may pick up a set of new radius arms, maybe something like the james duff arms like these


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I've stared at it for a while and i at first thought it was a bad idea. But the more i look at it i love it. IF you weld it properly to the tubes, then there is no reason that this wouldn't be a fantastic option if you've got a cast C's axle. See what i mean? Alot of people for years have been retubing their axles to get rid of the c's so they could run a link, but now this, in my opinon, is a great option. I'm trying to get ahold of the guy to see how he likes it.

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It would be one of those deals were i would want a bunch of other people to try it first... i would NOT want to be one of the test guys. :p: There is a lot of stress on those lower link mounts. The strength of the mount will depend on what type of casting that is- and right now im thinking who knows? Either way good luck. :thumbsup:

Exactly which is why i want to see what that guy thinks of it. He's had it for over a year i believe.

If you can find another housing with the weld on wedges I really thing that would be a better option. If you keep your eyes peeled I'm sure you could find one without too much trouble.

PBB is a decent enought place to find tons of stuff, im over there almost more than im here. Just dont say something stupid.

It would be one of those deals were i would want a bunch of other people to try it first... i would NOT want to be one of the test guys. :p: There is a lot of stress on those lower link mounts. The strength of the mount will depend on what type of casting that is- and right now im thinking who knows? Either way good luck. :thumbsup:

Id rather be fowarding the sport then just surfing along with it

Then go right ahead and weld a very critical mount onto questionable cast material you brave soul. :thumbsup: :D

I dont get how its questionable. The Stock Radius arms mount to it and that setup holds up just fine. As long as your welds are done correctly there is nothing to worry about

I dont get how its questionable. The Stock Radius arms mount to it and that setup holds up just fine. As long as your welds are done correctly there is nothing to worry about

Ummm, yeah the stock radius arm mounts to it, but it is bolted around it. This way your welds are the only thing really holding it. If your welds fail, your mount fails, your arm comes off. Better be confident in your welds. In the factory setup, if the welds fail, nothing happens or maybe you have a wristed housing...

If I remember correctly, weld to the cast with a nickel stick rod and you should be fine.

There are several options to welding to cast according that friend of mine down the street who's a welder. He'd be the one welding to it no doubt. I think i may consider this option. When done properly there should be no worry about it.

I do understand you all's concern. If i were going to be the one welding on it you all could flame me all ya want!!!

I haven't been in the garage for a while. I had to finish some school and now that i'm out of's ouuuuun. Although it is still hunting season, so i'll still be slow for a few weeks!

Did get the old D30 totally unhooked today. I'm going to run over to Harbor Frieght and get some of those vehicle dollys so i can move the axle around and out from under the truck. I'll also be able to get the D44 in and under the truck that way too. I don't have a huge garage so i figured it would be easier that way.

Anyways, here are a few shots i took. Do you think that big dent in the shock hurts it? :D


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Although it is still hunting season, so i'll still be slow for a few weeks!
stop killin' them there animals and get welding! :D

You sound like my wife, althought her's is more like "Stop kill those animals and clean house!" :thumbdwn:

I got the same dents in my shocks before I knew the spring plates hit them. I just said well, too late. Roll with it.

They've been like that for a year or two now. They still work suprisingly (is that right?)

I did get an email back from the guy that chooped the C's off. Here it is:

"Well I havent got that truck out of the garage yet since Im still making the exo
in my free time around other projects. The C's are cast steel and they welded
very nicely so as far as I can tell it will hold up fine. Here were the
finished links though:"



You mean mounts on the axle? I could but man mine are so freakin short, like 28" or something.

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