This forum needs some excitement!! DB_1's Ranger SAS rebuild | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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This forum needs some excitement!! DB_1's Ranger SAS rebuild

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Things are lookin' up, I was playing around with the c/o's today and got my ride height set. I'll have just under 6" of up travel and after getting the tires on the front axle it looks like the c/o's have more lean in than I thought which is a good thing. Another plus is I was able to lower my ride height around 1.5" so I won't have the pre-runner look anymore. I was able to lower the ride height since I reworked the upper link mounts...moved each mount an inch out from where they were so now i've got more clearance between them and the engine x-member.
And now on with the pics...full frontal shots:


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Things are kinda mocked up so I could check things out and make sure I didn't have to change anything. I get to take everything apart and paint it and need some bolts from Lowe's to finish it all off. I hope to actually drive this thing tomorrow weather permitting.
A few more shots of the shock hoop cross brace and trac-bar mount:


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Very clean there!

me likey that Trac bar mount:D:thumbsup:

Very nice work David. Now all you need to start building a new tube crossmember engine mount so your upper mounts will have even more clearance. :) Then you can build me some parts for my ranger. /grin

Then you can build me some parts for my ranger. /grin

I forgot is that Ranger you got 4wd or 2wd and what's your plans for it?

Well, got everything painted and put back together then tried to take it out for a spin but the battery had other ideas:rolleyes: Gonna charge the battery overnight and try again tomorrow. Another issue is when I charged the shocks with nitrogen and off the jackstands on it's own weight it's an inch taller than where I wanted it to be. I double checked all the measurements on the shock mounts to make sure I wasn't going crazy and also double checked the nitrogen charge and upper collar adjuster...everything checks out the same:scratch:
Guess i'll tackle that after I do the test drive.

Its a 2wd and I was thinking of doing a lightly built pre-runner with a 302 in it. Still not sure what I am going to do with it though. I may sell it or trade it in for a newer (02 - 06) ranger that I can swap a 5.0 mounty/explorer motor into. Then again I may trade it in for that new crossover Ford is coming out with in 09. It all depends on what is going on at the end of 08. Heck I may get a used Excursion Desiel and get rid of the 150 by then. Never know as "I am one wild and crazy guy" (Steve Martin Voice).

Hopefully your battery starts to comply with your ideas soon and you can go drive your truck. How many months has it been since you drove it this time? I am sure you will figure out your mistery inch of growth some how. Do you have your own Nitrogen charging setup? I would be interested in how much that cost if you do and what all is involved. That is one item I am unsure of for maintenance of my rear shock on the dirtbikes.

Hopefully your battery starts to comply with your ideas soon and you can go drive your truck. How many months has it been since you drove it this time? I am sure you will figure out your mistery inch of growth some how. Do you have your own Nitrogen charging setup? I would be interested in how much that cost if you do and what all is involved. That is one item I am unsure of for maintenance of my rear shock on the dirtbikes.

Battery charged up fine, took it for a spin today and everything seemed cool. The last wheelin' I did was this past summer and i'd drive it now and then around the block up until Nov. then it was on jackstands. Once it was on jakstands I would start it up once a week and get it up to opererating temp. but probably not enough to recharge the battery.
As for the nitrogen set-up I can use the regulator from my Powertank. I did have to buy a hose from Powertank with a special fitting that screws onto the schrader valve of the shock which also has a gauge on it. In all I probably have about $350 into the set-up including the N2 tank. Polyperformance sells a complete N2 set up as well as individual parts...don't know off hand what the pricing is though. With a little research you could probably piece together a setup cheaper than mine.

Well, took the rig out for a Sunday drive and man what a nice day out...makes me want to go wheelin':D Got the truck up to 60-65 and seems nice and tight a bit of wandering but nothing more than it's ever had. Tires ride much nicer now that I aired them DOWN to 30psi from 45psi:eek: I never checked the psi when I got the tires mounted over at Big-O, I was wondering why it rode so harsh the first time out with it:rolleyes:
Got a few shots over at a dirt lot by my house:


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Nice Dave. So it's ready for next weekend? :D

Thanks guys...yeah Bill, i'm ready to go:thumbsup:

Colin, 40's would be the never ends huh? I'm as big as i'm gonna go with this set up, I'd need wider axles so the tires wouldn't rub on everything on uptravel.

Looks like it's warmer at your pad Colin, says 77 degrees for my area. They say 70 degrees by next Friday, hopefully the wind stays away.

Lookin GOOD DB_1!!!

Thanks IZ and Dannyboy...bummer you guys can't make it out for the big run.
You gonna try and make it out to TDS in March Dannyboy?

Hey those WalkerEvans scores MAJOR bling points!!

Do you have a pic that shows the front driveshaft clearance or something of the sort with the dshaft in

Hey those WalkerEvans scores MAJOR bling points!!

Yeah, kinda makes me feel like one of the buggy guys except uhhh...minus the buggy:p:

Dannyboy, I gotta get a ride in that thing when it's done:thumbsup:

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Do you have a pic that shows the front driveshaft clearance or something of the sort with the dshaft in

I don't have any driveshaft pics but i can take some tomorrow when I get home from work. Are you looking for a pic of d-shaft clearance over the trans X-member?

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