2012 Truckhaven Rock Run Oct. 27 -28 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2012 Truckhaven Rock Run Oct. 27 -28

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Hey, that Newbie might be me ! ! Jonesing for a 4x4 trip and since Moab for 2012 fizzled, figured its about time for an inaugural trip down to Truckhaven. . .

'91 Sport

..Hope to see you at TH this trip...:biggthump

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Put me and CJ in as on the more positive side of maybe.:thumbsup:
I hear that it was really rockin and a rollin down that way today :bounce: A 5.5 in Brawley + lots of smaller ones.

I am going to do my best to make this one. I have not been able to make any trips yet, but this trip has the best potential so far. I would love to finally meet some of you all face to face.

..With all who want to show up for this run, this is definitely looking like the event of the year..If you are wanting to attend an EF event, this is usually the big run of the year..:biggthump

...To everyone who has never been to an EF group event, this is a family friendly group and all are welcome..

...If we are camping off Marina drive you can come out in your daily driver, camp, meet all the members and see their vehicles..Usually a buffet on Saturday night, and for the daredevils we have an occasional Sunday morning breakfast run...:burnout:..and if there is enough interest we do have the newbie aka little dogs run for those who want to explore the area in a group...

..:shifty_ey...and there is usually a drive in movie type theater set up wherever we do make camp..;)

..With all who want to show up for this run, this is definitely looking like the event of the year..If you are wanting to attend an EF event, this is usually the big run of the year..:biggthump

...To everyone who has never been to an EF group event, this is a family friendly group and all are welcome..

...If we are camping off Marina drive you can come out in your daily driver, camp, meet all the members and see their vehicles..Usually a buffet on Saturday night, and for the daredevils we have an occasional Sunday morning breakfast run...:burnout:..and if there is enough interest we do have the newbie aka little dogs run for those who want to explore the area in a group...

..:shifty_ey...and there is usually a drive in movie type theater set up wherever we do make camp..;)

Don't forget the night run. Even if your not up to driving during the night, riding along the night run is an experience. Things look so much different at night.


...^^^^ He will be there..

...He would not miss out on a night run..:D

Me! Me! Me!

err.. I wonder how well a Prius C would work offroad.. (it's really, really low to the ground.. )

..Probably the cheapest fuel bill you have ever paid for the round trip...:biggthump

...and I'm sure if you can fit into the Prius C that there will at least be a Ranger passenger seat open for ya...:D

Me! Me! Me!

err.. I wonder how well a Prius C would work offroad.. (it's really, really low to the ground.. )

I have a strap. Should drag easy. LOL

Finally got the merc going, but thats my family weekend trip to glamis. I've been following the forums trips for the whole 2 years of my build and would love to meet up with some explorers and cruise around. I'll keep up on the forum.

...:shifty_ey ..I see people are already starting to work on there trucks to make this trip..:D

...:shifty_ey ..I see people are already starting to work on there trucks to make this trip..:D

I just need to fix mine, so I can drive it again:(

I am going to try to make this trip, I planned on going to Ocotillo Wells on that weekend anyway so maybe i will just camp at TH. I have only been on square rated trails up in big bear and i ran them all solo, so it would be nice to try something harder in a group.

The beauty of Truckheaven is that it can all be as hard or as easy as you like. There is virtually nowhere you can get to that you can't get back to camp in 2WD. (been there done that many times).

You may need to be strapped a few times first..:)

The beauty of Truckheaven is that it can all be as hard or as easy as you like. There is virtually nowhere you can get to that you can't get back to camp in 2WD. (been there done that many times).

RockRanger did about 1/2 day of wheeling with 2 wheel drive on the last January run. Well, locked front wheel drive.


I think what they're trying to say is...we can always get you back to the highway for AAA or a Taxi to give you a ride home:p:

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my one wheel wonder got around good.

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