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FROADER's '98 4x4

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..I thought Dave was there to work and not to have fun..:p:

..Look at that fine looking fuel filler hose just sitting there looking for a new home..:D

No problemo, it was good to see you guys and the little man:D

We just thought Dave was offering up comic relief! Hope he's not sore.
That thing wiggled and shifted all the way home! We took surface streets cause we didn't trust it to stay put, even with the chain! It was a noice drive anyway saw alot of towns we hav't been through for a long time.

Dealing with financial and other normal life responsibilities that come with a family of 4 on one income, I donated this pile today. I'm probably going to keep the axles for the next project, though.


Oh man.... Sad to see, but definitely understandable.... 18 can't come soon enough ;)

Sorry to here Colin. But I get it.

Thanks guys. Hopefully when the wife finishes school and gets a job (looks like 3 more semetsters), I'll be back in the game before we know it.

Definitely not waiting until Wesley is 18!! :)
