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Moab 2016

We made it. Phil and I are at Canyonlands in space 75. Dwight, our jeep buddy messed up making his reservations and is across town.

This is how us cheap assed PNW's cram two campers and two explorers into one campsite.


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We made it. Phil and I are at Canyonlands in space 75. Dwight, our jeep buddy messed up making his reservations and is across town.

I wonder if he is where I got stuck at. Is he out towards the CO River bridge that's at the end of town? Moab Valley RV?

I wonder if he is where I got stuck at. Is he out towards the CO River bridge that's at the end of town? Moab Valley RV?

Yes he is. I thought you got yours straitened out to be at the original Canyonlands.

Yes he is. I thought you got yours straitened out to be at the original Canyonlands.

Nothing got straightened out other than me knowing where to head on Thursday.

Good thing I double checked or I would have been pulling into Canyonlands saying WTF... Now at least I've got the WTF over with ;)

I think their telephone system is screwed up. No matter which campground you call, the answering machine is the same.:dunno: It's been like that since they were both bought by an Australian company.

BTW, you texted Char ;)

Anthony got here about 1:30, we all took a run up Chicken Corners. Everything went fine. The thing is that when I got back to my camp site I find this:eek:

I was led to believe that that was for the end of the run next week. Are you guys trying to tell me something ???

To go to Moab or not ......... Have a lot of projects that need to be completed, but Moab is fun. Hummmmm.........

To go to Moab or not ......... Have a lot of projects that need to be completed, but Moab is fun. Hummmmm.........

There is only one answer for that. GET YOUR ASS HERE!!!!!!

Ok got the lowdown on the boner award. The reason it was here when I got back was mostly because I was dumb enough to post what site I was in. So its goes to someone each day. The biggest boner of the week get it at the end of the run. So someone else will have it tomorrow.:D

All these flat trailer tires makes me want to bring a few extra! :eek:

800 mile leg starts in the morning. ( :crazy: )

Got near new trailer tires, and I'm bringing 2 trailer spares and a spare 35 I can have mounted on either truck. Benifit to running the same wheel size and pretty close tire size.

We bought a brand new 18ft trailer just for this trip (and for future explorer moving adventures!)


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Wait, a minute. That tow rig ain't white. Get a new truck? :D

Carpooling with my father in law. He is going to Grand Junction. We timed our trips to match up so we could all ride together. Much nicer pulling with Cummins all that way.

Had a few snags on the way. We're about 8 hours behind, but on the road again. Midnight before we make our 1st stopping point. ack!

Oh no, what happened?

All these flat trailer tires makes me want to bring a few extra! :eek:

800 mile leg starts in the morning. ( :crazy: )

Threw a couple spares on the trailer, my 800 mile jaunt begins first thing in the morning.

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