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Return from Truckhaven Jan. 08

...boomer, i posted pics for you in post 14...:D
...btw, i like that pic of my truck...:thumbsup:

...heading out to the fun stuff...;)

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Yeah I saw them, and that'll be the last time I listen to you...:p:

...a couple more...

...this first pic is part of the run 90ranajo and i did...the second pic i think is just an awesome pic of the truckhaven experience, and if you look close you can see jeffe with his dp spotting...:D boomer, you took some killer shots...:eek:

...i'm really going to have to start taking some better pics, especially of your truck...:thumbsup:

I kinda like the one of me crawling out my window...:thumbsup:

My last pic of the day...

...which I managed to get while we were waiting for Tbars to find all of his "missing pieces"...

Well, just got home and wow what a great run:thumbsup: The legendary potluck was as great as ever, cybergasm and myself brought birthday cakes for Burns since it was his birthday on Saturday. Burns also rode with me on the Saturday run and he was having a blast, it was good to met him and glad he could make it out:salute:

No major carnage on my part just a few new pretty good dent where my tailight would have been if I had any in the stock location.
I didn't get any pictures but I did shoot some video, i'll get that uploaded tomorrow.

Yeah I saw them, and that'll be the last time I listen to you...:p:

Haha, i was riding with tbars when he told you to try that hill, and i asked him if you actually knew what you were getting yourself into:p: Because i was also there when maniak tried it the last trip and had a similar turn out.

Anyway, i had a great time this weekend, thanks to everyone that i hitched rides with. I sadly do not own a camera so i don't have any pictures to post, sorry. RJ and Bunn bros., it was awesome racing down the washes with you guys, i'm looking forward to that next time, but lets stay away from the sea. :)

Haha, i was riding with tbars when he told you to try that hill, and i asked him if you actually knew what you were getting yourself into:p:...
I had a slight idea since we looked at it fri afternoon. Funny how quickly my opinion changed once I got stuck so close to the top...:eek:

...but lets stay away from the sea. :)
So...are you gonna explain that???

made it home about 8:15 today. great run! the best we've been on so far :thumbsup:

we have 229 photos so we'll sort through the useless ones and post up later.

as for the night time adventure washes, mounty, jobunn n' brothers and i had a trip down the washes all the way to the sea. and the sea sucks. dead fish everywhere, bad smell, and you start sinking when you drive to close to it haha.

no, joe didn't break a hub

Got back around 3pm today. Great trip as usual and not a ton of carnage. Pot luck is about as good as it gets in the desert. I have a handful of pics and a bunch of short vids I will download tomorrow evening. Extra thanks to Tom for being the designated camp leader and BKennedy, Froader, RJ, Rockranger for leading some nice runs.
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thaven 1-08 004.jpg

The washes are dry river beds basically, they are pretty flat sandy areas where you can go as fast as you can. And they all 'drain' to the salton sea which is where we ended up. We drove out near the water and then walked up to the edge. The trucks sank a little on the saturated beach (covered with thousands of dead smelly fish :(), so i wouldn't want to risk sinking much farther the next time.

The washes are dry river beds basically, they are pretty flat sandy areas where you can go as fast as you can. And they all 'drain' to the salton sea which is where we ended up. We drove out near the water and then walked up to the edge. The trucks sank a little on the saturated beach (covered with thousands of dead smelly fish :(), so i wouldn't want to risk sinking much farther the next time.

Ah sounds cool...minus the dead fish of course.

...any buddy have an explanation on froader and the ranger...:scratch:....i missed out on that...

Oh, his buddy/front passenger Matt had an open beer, so he got a ticket. Luckily Colin didn't get anything. That ranger almost gave Tom a ticket for climbing up a canyon that didn't have a 'well established' trail. :rolleyes:

I made it home about 7:00. I had to drop the truck off, then take the trailer to it's home and come back.

Awesome trip as usual. Tom's peppered tri-tip was great, whoever made the pasta salad with tuna in it...that was really good too. It was good to see DWD and his shenanigans which are just multiplied by 90ranajo. :D

Burns, it was good to meet you and I hope you had a good time while you were out here.

The story about the Ranger Patrol Officer...
We were stopped there watching a few guys head up a trail that ended up being a dead end and they turned back. Out of nowhere, (all 3 of us in the car never saw him) there was an officer standing at the passenger window asking my friend Matt (who had an open beer in hand), "Are you allowed to have an open container in a vehicle sir?" Matt said, "No, I'm sorry". The officer walked over to my side to make sure I didn't have one as well and that's when the skilled photographer got the pic. :) The officer was really cool about the whole thing and apologized for taking up our time, but Matt new he was in the wrong and welcomed the ticket he was issued (open container), as long as I didn't get any citations. The officer also wanted to make sure that we all knew the rules of where we could drive. Things have changed out there for sure. I can't wait to see them handle things at TDS. :eek:

I didn't get any pics since leaving the camera in the van all weekend will lead to that. :rolleyes: My friend Matt got a few and a bunch of video. I should have all of that this week and will edit and upload it all asap.

CJ Hill kicked my ass the first 4 attempts but after pcola in his xtra cab ranger with 33" A/Ts climbed it, then two more people made it up (including DB_1) I had to try it again. The second attempt this time I made it up. Can't wait for pics and vid of that!

I had a few ideas going through my head this weekend about the truck, so I'm not sure if it's still for sale :eek:

One last thing until I can get pics and vid....Any trail rig I ever have from now on will be getting TSL SXs. I was super impressed with these things in the Truck Haven dirt. When it came to the more rocky climbs, I was even more impressed. I was spinning at one point and let off the throttle to give them a chance to grab the rock. They did and pulled me right up. I don't think I'll need to trim anymore since the tires clearanced(sp?) themselves. They only got about 1/4" of the rear part of the front fender, so I'm just going to bend that out of the way.

They look hugified in this pic.


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Nice pics. I didn't do well this weekend at the show and my flight was delayed 4 hours. There was a point on Friday night that I almost said F it, grabbed my dog and jumped in the Super Duty to meet you guys. I didn't get into Chicago until 4 A.M. on Saturday.

So the open beer rule eh? I'm definitely going to have to watch that on any future T-haven runs. Good to see you were a good law abiding citizen Colin. And nice work of CJ hill all you guys. Sounds like some egos fueled eachother to the top.

...:thumbsup: for the no selling of your X and the use of the word, hugified...:D

...and just for the record, boomer was thinking it was a little early to be heading back to camp and on the way back i simply asked if he felt up to trying sideshow bob's hill....:p:

...there simply is no other place that so may people can be doing so many things in such close proximaty and still be an adventure around every's funny when everybody first shows up all somber and unpacking...after about an hour into the first trails everyone seems to be wearing the biggest grin they got..:D

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