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Return from Truckhaven first run fall '08

WOW sorry long work week after getting back but it was worth going out to meet every one, I had a good time and after the first night run it was time to get in a 4wheel drive X thanks Maniak for the ride, and DB_1 that was the best run I have had in my truck trying to find the pumpkin patch.... on one note I did get to test the welds on my toe hook a few time thanks to Froader Stic-o and Bkenny for pullin me out, I did bring my camera with me but left it at home before I went to L.A Sunday night to go to work the next day at 5:30am...... yeah so I will be taking off that Mon from work next time to, I post some more pics after I get back to Oceanside thanks again it was so much fun:D

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dblake79, it was good meeting you and your truck did really good for being 2wd:thumbsup: We usually try to keep the Sunday runs short but things happen:p:
This is a good reminder that everyone should always bring food and water with them going on a run far from camp like that. You never know what situation you'll encounter.

I had a great time out in truck haven guys like aways! it was cool to bring my truck this time instead of just riding with RJ! thanks for a good weekend
-Justin (camo toy 4runner)

Pics my brother took are here:

I was rockin this vehicle:

EDIT -- something odd happened and a few of the upload images are out of wack but whatevs..

...Nice pics...:biggthump

...IZ, Did you like Truckhaven better as a driver???

...IZ, Did you like Truckhaven better as a driver???
Ahah of course .. although power steering would have helped ;).

Driving the Samurai was a little bit different than my Explorer just because of its smaller and lighter package. Its setup for the weekend was 3 wheel drive (rear locker) and pretty much bald 31" BFG A/Ts. It also bottomed out quite a few times on the fast wash runs (but we didnt really design the suspension for the washouts). But the 6.5:1 ratio in the transfer case was super low and really helped in the rocks and descend control. But the ratio is almost too low for Truckhaven and would probably work better in more rocky/technical stuff (or slap on larger tires).

(EDIT -- I looked up the crawl ratio with the 6.5:1 t-case gears and its at about 88:1)

Ted if you showed up, your broken head unit (dog) would had plenty of other strange creatures to play with :). Danny brought this carpet that grew legs, Froader's GF had a dalmatian with a wide body kit (don't have pics of this one I think), and there were at least 4 others canines in the camp.


IZ, make sure you tell Markham that we appreciate his photography work on these trips. Those were some amazing pics and he captured every truck on the run.

And for the record..

that pic doesn't really do the oops justice, notice the dropoff we were suprised to meet. Now picture Matt giving it gas up the front side.


Great pics from all. Wish I could have made it but 'tis the desert wheeling season so I will join one of the coming runs.

that pic doesn't really do the oops justice, notice the dropoff we were suprised to meet. Now picture Matt giving it gas up the front side.

i watched you do that, you guys practically jumped over the hill and into the ditch. and you guys thought you were gonna be cool racing around the dtuck jeep :p:

Yep that was great standing there, and after that weekend (Dannyboy gasin it up the front side of what ever was there :D)I was in shock to see RockRanger was driving:salute: ah good times, good times

What is on the back of that kids shirt?
You guys crack me up! Sorry I have not been able to post anything since I got home and found my computer locked up. I downloaded Norton 2009 upgrade and it totally locked up my computer. Just got off the phone with some computer guru from India who got it back working. I will post pictures when I get a chance.

for DB1:


uh oh Dave, that guy has one up on you! He has lights:p:

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Ooh that's spiffy, I could add extra receivers in my bumper and have stools that slide into ya like me now:p:
