Completed Project - Stic-o's 2nd gen. radius arm/coil SAS | Page 35 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Completed Project Stic-o's 2nd gen. radius arm/coil SAS

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Hey.. hey!!! Do you have the F150 tank in? If so, can you post some shots pls?

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Hey.. hey!!! Do you have the F150 tank in? If so, can you post some shots pls?

No not in yet. I need a spare sending unit out of a explorer first. Then I can get that all to fit in the tank first. I have the one from the f-series, but not sure if it will work. I need to compare them. I've been more worried about getting the sas working right first. Still have a few issues to work out. Like my rear shocks :rolleyes:

My next thing is to install e-track in the cargo floor. Then I can tie down stuff right.;)

No not in yet. I need a spare sending unit out of a explorer first. Then I can get that all to fit in the tank first. I have the one from the f-series, but not sure if it will work. I need to compare them. I've been more worried about getting the sas working right first. Still have a few issues to work out. Like my rear shocks :rolleyes:
Gotcha -- thanks! :D

I've got a used fuel pump/sending unit if you want. That way you can figure out all the bugs of this swap for us. ;)

That would be great help Jefe! :thumbsup: Bring it out fot t-day if you don't mind:D

Great write up there... Lots of pix's :thumbsup:
I'll be doing mine soon (I hope) just collecting parts right now...
Was going to do a D30 swap but looking at your full width axles under yours it looks good...
It's been a while now how is everything working???
Did you sleve the steering box bolts or just box the whole thing in???
Cheers Randy...

Hey Stic, what's the deal with the F150 tank. You ever figure out the pump part of it?

Yeah I think I may be able to get a factory pump to work, Jefe gave a extra one to play with. I think I need to use a 1st gen pump though. I'll probally start play'n with it soon. I have to smog the truck after the first of the year, which I've been holding off till then to do.;)

So almost 2 years after my SAS, today we noticed stress cracks on the welds at the back of the driverside bucket. Luckly we caught them before we hit the trail and had a bigger problem;)

So almost 2 years after my SAS, today we noticed stress cracks on the welds at the back of the driverside bucket. Luckly we caught them before we hit the trail and had a bigger problem;)

When going to weld we discover these were not cracks, but just parts that had very, very poor welds. Let's just say that never really got welded.:rolleyes: Well it is now:D

What was the problem you were supposed to work out with your rear shocks? Im thinking about mounting mine in the same way as yours and im wondering what the deal was... tire rub on the stuffed side maybe?

tire rub on the shock. they still do a bit. it is more stable I think, but less articulation, I think too. They are also straight up and down. Not sure I would do it the same, and may change in the future. It works for now though:rolleyes:

I just want to say after spending quite some ti me reading this whole thread, I want to say great work, but i have pic request and question I may have missed, I see your using a Gen 1 Steering box, but what did you do for the lines to the steering box, from the pump? Ay pics of your lines and the pump would be great. Thanx

they arr just first gen lines. the pumps are the same
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What engine do you have, Im working on using a 99 Explorer SOHC 4.0 and im not seeing how it would work.

I think the SOHC pump may be different, I know it looked a different on the wife old Sport. She had the SOHC.

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That is correct, the SOHC uses the Saginaw TC series derivative pump where as the OHV uses the P series pump (which is I think the same as the v8's).

On the right with the siver pulley is the TC pump from the SOHC (ignore the one on the left, thats from a Chevy sedan)

But I would think that the high pressure fititng is still the same on both sides (pump and rack/gearbox)
