I feel your pain brother!
Before our RZR 900s was stolen I had a branch get flung like a spring, or catapult, from the roll cage into my eye, and we were cruising along at around 50..
ER trip, nothing in it, referral to eye doc, about 15 drop prescriptions..
We were working as AAA roadside techs, so every morning 6am, sunrise to 9pm, 6 day shifts.. if we didn't need the paychecks I was advised to stay in a dark area.. I regret it!! It still bothers me if I dream of it and remember how it hurt, then I'll notice how it's working at a different level than the other..
How do us serious explorers send flowers?
8mm, 10mm sockets, inner and outer door handles, brown wires, relays with cut blades, tranny filter & gasket?!
Definitely get well soon, and we hope to get to meet you in person with our rig in the near future
(Edited for "pic or it didn't happen")