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Moab 2016

I'd totally be interested Birdy! I got Mad Max running tonight so it looks likely that I'll be there Sunday :D

That is awesome to hear! Guess we can figure it all out Saturday evening. I'll be looking for that Mad Max contraption!

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Count me in, 2 for Branding Iron, staying at slickrock, May 18th-22nd

Passed inspection, very surprised and happy, now I have to go to the dreaded place for registration!

Bout ready to Rock Moab


Bout ready to Rock Moab

Working on the mystery rig today. Interior is back Inn power seats work and now working on getting A/C installed. Have to work some custom brackets for the accumulator and had to get a custom made low side suction hose made. Luckily it fit like a glove!

Oh that's sweet....

Don't look too close you will see there is many a flaw.
Moab is the Bronco shake run, lots of improvements but it is untested.

5 days til departure

Boner is ready to go:D


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I haven't been home in a month to start getting ready. I will have 4 days home to get ready before we leave. Luckly I think the truck is pretty much ready. Change some fluids and load it on the trailer.

Anyone needing light bar covers let me know. I can send them up with Stic-o

Looks like I goofed on my RV Campground reservations. Canyonlands got bought out by Highway West Vacations. I just checked my print out from the reservation I made in December and it's for another one of the same company's sites. My reservation says Moab Valley RV Resort & Campground which is just outside of town, just before the CO River. I'm waiting for a call from them to see what exactly happened. It's not a big deal if I have to stay there, just sucks considering how many times we've stayed at Canyonlands :(

If worse comes to worse, there are still sites open at Slickrock....just reserved our tent site. :thumbsup:

I tried to contact canyonlands today with no luck, and no call back from them either. We decided to head out a day early, and see if they could accommodate us. Ended up booking a hotel room, and there isn't that many vacant to choose from.

Looks like I goofed on my RV Campground reservations. Canyonlands got bought out by Highway West Vacations. I just checked my print out from the reservation I made in December and it's for another one of the same company's sites. My reservation says Moab Valley RV Resort & Campground which is just outside of town, just before the CO River. I'm waiting for a call from them to see what exactly happened. It's not a big deal if I have to stay there, just sucks considering how many times we've stayed at Canyonlands :(

I just double checked my email and it looks all correct. It does have the highway west vacation email on it though. I'll wait to hear what you guys find out, before I worry. Worst case I can boondock it truck haven style in the desert somewhere :D

Found out my ex, with these offset rims, is 87ish inches wide in front and my trailer is 83". It has sides like a landscape trailer. So, looks like I'll be putting on a set of stock rims, then changing them back when we get there. Thank god I don't have to trailer it to every trail, that would be a major PITA!

Found out my ex, with these offset rims, is 87ish inches wide in front and my trailer is 83". It has sides like a landscape trailer. So, looks like I'll be putting on a set of stock rims, then changing them back when we get there. Thank god I don't have to trailer it to every trail, that would be a major PITA!

Last night I cut off my spare tire carrier from my trailer so that my rig fits on it.

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With a saddened heart i have to announce my inability to make it to Moab this year. I have had several things over the last few months that have rendered it pretty much impossible for me to make it. Please everyone have fun, be safe, and celebrate the hell out of this 20 year anniversary. Take tons of pictures for me to drool and cry over. I hope like hell i can make it to the next one.
