Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006 | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006

I already placed the order for the plaques. I ordered a few extra.

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Damn I want one of those!
If I have the $$$$ I might just put the small tires on and make this trip with my room mate, but its coming up QUICK!

410Fortune said:
Damn I want one of those!
If I have the $$$$ I might just put the small tires on and make this trip with my room mate, but its coming up QUICK!

Just admit it, you are just a webwheeler!


hahaha I admit it.
Lately anyways....

tdavis said:
Just admit it, you are just a webwheeler!


Sorry but that was really funny!!!!!! :D

yeah yeah poke fun you *******s! As I sit here in the comfort of working from my parents home and making my own hours based on the workload :)

Dont worry the BII will see LOTS of trails in the future, F-250 and flatbed are in the works. the BII needs some WORK first = $$$$$ = work more hours

I have good news, and bad news..

The good news: Neighbor is removing 4, 150ft tall HUGE Eucalyptus trees, and the crew is dropping the wood off in my yard.

The bad news: It will take at least a year of drying before it's usable.

So, I'm set for Truckhaven 2007. Who plans that far ahead? :confused:

tdavis said:
I have good news, and bad news..

The good news: Neighbor is removing 4, 150ft tall HUGE Eucalyptus trees, and the crew is dropping the wood off in my yard.

The bad news: It will take at least a year of drying before it's usable.

So, I'm set for Truckhaven 2007. Who plans that far ahead? :confused:

Or you could get creative and build yourself a kiln and dry it just in time for t-haven 2006 hahahaahah :D j/k but cool ne way

And while your at it take pictures and do a write up on the making of a wood kiln :rolleyes:

Sure, the wood kiln is easy.. I'll just snap a few pictures of the sun.


3 weeks left :bounce:

good thing we did not do it our traditional weekend (this weekend) it looks to rain Sat and Sun

Darn it. I just realized, I could possibly be in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, and coming back real late.. Which means I couldn't get there till late Thursday night.

Anyone staying Sunday night? I am considering leaving Monday AM if anyone is staying Sunday night..

Char and I plan on leaving Monday morning.

So when is everyone getting their? I thought it was saturday and sunday???
cuz if their is still gonna be people on monday I will most likely stay. and if people are ariving friday I will definetly be their friday.

Brian Kennedy volunteered to take the stocker/super stocks out for one of the days. Any volunteers to lead that group on the 2nd day?

Rick said:
Brian Kennedy volunteered to take the stocker/super stocks out for one of the days. Any volunteers to lead that group on the 2nd day?

I would but I don't know the area well enough.

Rick said:
Brian Kennedy volunteered to take the stocker/super stocks out for one of the days. Any volunteers to lead that group on the 2nd day?

I could be a last resort. Have been there a few times but still get lost sometimes. Though that can be even more fun.

jobunn said:
I could be a last resort. Have been there a few times but still get lost sometimes. Though that can be even more fun.
You can't get lost at Truckhaven, all you have to do is go up on a high mesa and look for the huge radio tower to the SW, or head down any wash and you will run into highway 86.

94explorer2x4 said:
So when is everyone getting their? I thought it was saturday and sunday???
cuz if their is still gonna be people on monday I will most likely stay. and if people are ariving friday I will definetly be their friday.

There are several people arriving on Thurs. Rick and I usually arrive Thurs. to get the camping spot and set up. We will also be staying till Mon. Sometimes we play around in the morning and leave by noon, Monday.

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Char said:
There are several people arriving on Thurs. Rick and I usually arrive Thurs. to get the camping spot and set up. We will also be staying till Mon. Sometimes we play around in the morning and leave by noon, Monday.
Thank you :thumbsup:
