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Return of the "newbie run" Truck Haven

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Well with exactly a month till thanksgiving, should the thanksgiving run i've been hearing about be planned? I know i would love to go back out there again soon.

The Mayor is suggesting that scripps ranch is to evacuate and that is where BKennedy lives

Some more pics...




















Carlover, you might want to send that into insurance and say it happened on the way to the grocery store. That's more damage than I thought at the time.

My pics will be up in a bit. Loving what I've seen thus far.

Just got the mandatory evacuation notification. Am packing up the RV and getting ready. This sucks.

Im the next one to have to have to evacuate if it comes to that because Brian only lives like 4 or so miles from me.:(:thumbdwn:

Damn. What a week.

Well... we weren't immune to the return from Truck Haven blues... Char just called and told me she got rear ended in the Corolla on her way home from work. She said shes ok, and a cop is on the way. The guy who hit her took off:eek: She got his license number though. i don't have any idea about the amount of damage yet.

Our bad luck just took a day to catch up:(

Just got the mandatory evacuation notification. Am packing up the RV and getting ready. This sucks.

Best of luck to you guys Brian:thumbsup:

And we were just talking about the "urban escape vehicles":(

...we have cyber getting loaded on a flatbed this minute...i have a stop in yacaipa..;) ...if the freeways are reopened i will be home late tonight...:D

wow after hearing and seeing all this going on today my truck being down seems so small now.

Dannyboy, the damage actually isnt that bad at all. Both upper and lower ball joints and inner and outer tie rod, and the fender. Deductible in 500$ on the insurance so its wouldnt even be worth it. Its ok it will be back with a much stronger front end....

I had a great time also, even without a truck. Thanks Brian for letting me ride with you and Sarah. Also our prayer's are out there for you and your parent's house's to be safe ( Matt you to). I had one small carnage on the way home. One of my roof A/C cover's blew off, other wise just a white knockle ride home. It was great meeting some new faces and visiting with some old one's. Lot's of smoke today working outside. Could see the fire from our house last nite which started in the Orange foothill's and moved to Irvine. Otherwise one more day of the wind's they say. Lot's to clean-up.

Great weekend. Brian K. and I caravanned home and just made it before the big road closures began. Good thing we left early.

We got the voluntary evacuation notice. Waiting for the mandatory to actually move out. Got the MH packed with propane, gas, water, valuables and dogs ready to go park along the beach. I talked with Brian and he is leaving tonight to join his father and friends in Mission bay in their MH. He and Sara are fine.

Congrats Matt and Tracy, you two truly are a great match and wonderful people. I wish you many kids and many happy years.

Navajo performed better now that it weighs less. It feels like it has a lot of more traction not spinning tires as much. Can't wait to try it out again.

I'll post some pics in a while.

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...i just made it back and i believe cyber should have beat me home....nothing but smoke all the way home and all highways seem closed off the ten...i had raining embers out by redlands...i hope all are safe by the fires and congratulations matt...:D
